§ 1. General provisions for planned development projects.
§ 2. Plan standards.
§ 3. Narrative standards.
§ 4. Revisions.
§ 5. Permitted uses.
§ 6. Special regulations.
§ 7. Ownership standards.


The planned development project (PDP) is a specialized zoning district which provides a level of density and/or intensity, and a list of permitted uses. A narrative description and a master plan are part of the PDP zoning. The master plan is a visual depiction of the general layout of the project in conformance with the PDP rules with any additional performance standards or specific deviations requested. The process for approval of a PDP zoning is through the zoning amendment process as provided for in this ordinance. This master plan must be reviewed and approved by the governing body.

A planned-development project will allow the applicant of a project the flexibility, with governing body approval, to alter the standard requirements of the county. A applicant may also be able to deviate from the following specific requirements of the planned development project regulations after due public notice has been given: perimeter setbacks, parking requirements, building coverage, buffering and street design requirement. The board shall base its decision on the requested deviation based on the impact on the public in regards to the health, safety and welfare of the public. The governing body may increase or decrease the minimum standards provided herein in order to attain compatibility, protect natural resources or meet other public purpose goals.

The planned development project shall be developed according to the approved master plan and supporting narrative and data. The master plan and narrative for a project must meet the minimum standards as provided herein.

Failure to initiate substantial performance as indicated below shall render the master plan null and void. The intensity/density is retained under the zoning approval; however, a new master plan meeting the existing land development regulations shall be required. The process for receiving master plan approval shall be in the same manner as a zoning amendment application.

All planned development projects shall be subject to the following regulations:

(Ord. No. 2003-08, § 2, 4-22-03; Ord. No. 2008-05, § XXI, 2-26-08)