§ 5. Permitted uses.  

Latest version.
  • The following permitted uses are allowable subject to approval by the governing body through the zoning amendment process:


    PDP (Single-Family): All permitted uses and special exception uses allowed in the R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, R-2.5, R-2 and R-1MH zoning districts which have been specifically designated or specified in the narrative or on the master plan.


    PDP (Multifamily): All permitted uses in the R-3 zoning district. Any special exception uses allowed in the R-3 zoning district which have been specifically designated or specified in the narrative or on the master plan.


    PDP (Multifamily-2): All permitted uses in the R-4 zoning district. Any special exception uses allowed in the R-4 zoning district which have been specifically designated or specified in the narrative on the master plan.


    PDP (Mobile Home): All permitted and special exception uses allowed in the RM zoning district which have been specifically designated or specified in the narrative or on the master plan.


    PDP (Rural): All permitted and special exception uses allowed in the AG, AR, A/R-1, A/R-2, Country 2.5 and A-C zoning districts which have been specifically designated or specified in the narrative or on the master plan.


    PDP (Resort Residential): All permitted uses and special exception uses allowed in the RR zoning district which have been specifically designated or specified in the narrative or on the master plan.


    PDP (General Highway Commercial): All permitted uses in the C-1 zoning district. Any special exception uses allowed in the C-1 zoning district which have been specifically designated or specified in the narrative or on the master plan. Any permitted and special exception uses from the C-2 zoning district specifically designated in the narrative or on the master plan.


    PDP (General Commercial): All permitted uses in the C-1 zoning district. Any special exception uses allowed in the C-1 zoning district which have been specifically designated or specified in the narrative or on the master plan. Any permitted and special exception uses from the C-2 or O/P zoning districts specifically designated in the narrative or on the master plan.


    PDP (Highway Commercial): All permitted uses in the C-2 zoning district. Any special exception uses allowed in the C-2 zoning district which have been specifically designated or specified in the narrative or on the master plan. Any permitted and special exception uses from the O/P and C-4 zoning districts specifically designated in the narrative or on the master plan.


    PDP (Neighborhood Commercial): All permitted uses in the C-3 zoning district. Any special exception uses allowed in the C-3 zoning district which have been specifically designated or specified in the narrative or on the master plan. Any permitted and special exception uses from the C-1 zoning district specifically designated in the narrative or on the master plan.


    PDP (Heavy Highway Commercial): All permitted uses in the C-4 zoning district. Any special exception uses allowed in the C-4 zoning district which have been specifically designated or specified in the narrative or on the master plan. Any permitted and special exception uses from the C-2, O/P, I-1 and I-2 zoning districts designated in the narrative or on the master plan.


    PDP (Light Industrial): All permitted uses in the I-1 and C-4 zoning districts. Any special exception uses allowed in the I-1 and C-4 zoning districts which have been specifically designated or specified in the narrative or on the master plan. Any permitted and special exception uses from the I-2 zoning districts designated in the narrative or on the master plan.


    PDP (Industrial): All permitted uses in the I-1 zoning district and any permitted and special exception uses from the I-2 zoning districts designated in the narrative or on the master plan.


    PDP (Heavy Industrial): All permitted uses in the I-2 zoning district. Any special exception uses allowed in the I-2 zoning district which have been specifically designated or specified in the narrative or on the master plan.


    PDP (Office/Professional): All permitted uses in the O/P district. Any special exception uses allowed in the O/P zoning district which have been specifically designated or specified in the narrative or on the master plan. Any permitted and special exception uses from the C-1 zoning district, which have been specifically designated in the narrative or on the master plan.


    PDP (Recreation): Any permitted or special exception uses in the R-C district which have been specifically designated or specified in the narrative or on the master plan, plus any of the following which have been designated on the approved master plan:


    Golf Courses


    Miniature Golf Course


    Go-cart Tracks


    Tennis Complexes


    Baseball or golf driving ranges


    Bathing Beaches


    Swimming Facilities


    Picnic Grounds


    Amusements piers, mechanical riding devices, carnivals, circuses, animal displays, aquariums, menageries or exhibit museums


    Outdoor rifle, shotgun, pistol or archery ranges


    Natural Buffer areas


    All park districts, including private, mini-park/tot lots, neighborhood, community and regional parks


    Recreational Airports


    Other outdoor uses of a recreational nature specifically approved by the Governing Body


    Private airstrips


    Clubhouses and restaurants as accessory uses to a permitted use


    Pro Shops as accessory uses to a permitted use


    Concession stands accessory uses to a permitted use


    Zoological Gardens


    PDP (Public Service Facility Overlay District): All government and public service uses and structures consistent with the master plan approval.


    PDP (Special Use): This category will include open space, conservation and all other uses not specifically enumerated in the Planned Development Project section but shown on the approved PDP Master Plan.


    PDP (Combined): This category is for mapping purposes for PDPs that contain more than two (2) approved uses.


    PDP (Corporate Park): The following uses shall be allowed within the Corporate Park designation:


    Day care centers.


    Business, professional and nonprofit organization office use, but not including the sale or storage of merchandise except where the sale or storage of merchandise relates directly to the rendering of professional services.


    Publicly owned or operated building.


    One single-family dwelling unit (minimum of six hundred (600) square feet) per commercial parcel in conjunction with the operation of a business on the premises; such single-family dwelling unit shall be an integral part of the principal business structure and located behind or above that portion of the business structure devoted to service to the public.


    Personal service establishments.


    Domestic and business service establishments.


    Domestic and business repair establishments.


    Business training schools.


    Restaurants with or without alcohol dispensation.






    Aircraft parts establishments.


    Light manufacturing.


    Light wholesale and storage establishments.


    Light outdoor advertising service establishments.


    Light research, development and testing laboratories.


    Publishing and printing service establishments.


    Aquaculture, with or without above ground tanks, with proper screening.


    Call Centers.


    PDP (Aviation Facilities):


    Aircraft parts establishment.


    Aircraft establishments.


    Aircraft fuel sales and dispensing, including the storage of fuel for such purposes.


    Aircraft repair and maintenance facilities.




    Tie down areas.


    Air cargo establishments.


    PDP (Commercial Marine): All permitted and special exception uses allowed in the CM-1 and CM-2 Districts which have been specifically designated or specified in the narrative or on the master plan.

(Ord. No. 84-9, § 9, 3-27-84; Ord. No. 87-12, § 9, 3-31-87; Ord. No. 88-27, § 7, 8-10-88; Ord. No. 89-10, §§ 4—7, 6-20-89; Ord. No. 96-19, § 29, 9-10-96; Ord. No. 98-24, §§ 11, 15, 8-25-98; Ord. No. 99-14, § 21, 7-6-99; Ord. No. 2000-04, § 12, 4-4-00; Ord. No. 2001-24, § 17, 12-18-01; Ord. No. 2002-15, § 9, 8-6-02; Ord. No. 2003-08, § 7, 4-22-03; Ord. No. 2004-11, § 21, 8-3-04; Ord. No. 2008-05, § XXVI, 2-26-08; Ord. No. 2010-1, § IV, 1-26-10)