§ 6. Special regulations.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Residential Protection Standards in all commercial or industrial PDPs shall be subject to the following unless modified by section 6. B. herein,


    There shall be no speakers or other sound equipment located within 100 feet of any single family residential district property line.


    There shall be no buildings containing alcoholic beverage dispensation establishments, convenience stores, or automotive and truck repair establishments located within 100 feet of any single family residential district property line.


    No commercial activities which include customer entrances, drive-up windows, ordering boxes, or loading/unloading areas shall be allowed to operate between the hours of 12 midnight and 7:00 a.m. within 100 feet of any single family residential district property line.


    No building within 100 feet of any single family residential district property line shall be more than 20 feet in height.


    All loading bays and loading docks must be a minimum of 100' from any single family residential district property line. Additionally, all loading bays and loading docks must be screened from view from the public right-of-way or single family residential district property line. Screening may include landscape plantings, berms, fences or walls.


    Air conditioning and/or other operational equipment must be oriented away from single family residentially zoned property, or screened to minimize noise impacts and reduce visual incompatibility to the single family residentially zoned property. Screening may include landscape plantings, berms, fences or walls.


    Commercial development with any single building, or single site development with multiple buildings with the same use and owned and managed by the same entity, greater than 65,000 square feet of gross floor area is only allowable through approval as a Planned Development Project and which otherwise satisfies these requirements and this article. This type of development may be compatible in a given commercial zoning district but because of its size, intensity, increased traffic-generation, extended hours of operation, or proximity to residential areas/districts or public schools require additional conditions as a prerequisite for approval at a requested location. The applicant shall have the burden of adequately demonstrating compliance with all of the minimum standards set forth below and otherwise contained within this article. The governing body, in their sole discretion and following public hearing and notice, shall be the final arbiter of determining whether compliance with these minimum standards has been adequately demonstrated and whether to approve, approve in part or deny a particular request hereunder.


    Mechanical/operational equipment including HVAC located at ground level shall be set back at least one hundred (100) feet from any property line external to the development site and shall be visually shielded through enhanced screening or shall be located on the roof and shall be visually shielded with a parapet wall. All mechanical/operational equipment shall be sound attenuated as necessary to comply with the county's noise ordinance.


    Hours of operation shall be provided, and may be limited by the governing body, as necessary, to ensure compatibility with surrounding land uses. For facilities that propose to operate 24 hours a day, manned parking lot security may be required by the county between the hours of 10 p.m. and Sunrise.


    Where the proposed commercial development consists of multiple buildings (excluding out parcels), then loading areas and loading docks should be situated between said buildings in a manner which allows the buildings to act as screens. All loading areas/docks shall be set back at least one hundred (100) feet from any property line external to the development site and shall be screened at 100% opacity through the use of landscape plantings, berms, fences or walls. The County may require the use of absorptive noise barrier walls for commercial noise reduction.


    All outdoor lighting shall meet the specific use regulations for commercial lighting under Article III.


    All on site advertising signs, including out parcels, shall be designed as part of a complete signage system. and shall be limited to mound mounted monument type signs. Ground mounted monument type signs are signs where the bottom edge of the sign is no greater than ten (10) feet above grade and which otherwise meets all sign requirements in this code.


    The master plan shall meet the following increased setbacks and buffering requirements:


    Setbacks. Where any side or rear lot line adjoins (excluding roads) a residential- or agricultural-zoned property or an existing residential use, then no building shall be located within one hundred (100) feet of said lot line.


    Buffering. A thirty-five (35) foot wide buffer screened at 80% opacity at a height of six (6) feet above finished made shall run along each rear and/or side property line which abuts any residential or agricultural zoned property. This buffer shall be screened through the use of landscape planting and landscape berms, and may be augmented through the use of fences or walls, existing natural vegetation, and/or a combination thereof. The County may require the use of absorptive noise barrier walls for commercial noise reduction.


    The applicant shall demonstrate that the proposed use is appropriate to the property in question, is compatible with existing and planned uses in the area, and demonstrate compliance with the County Comprehensive Plan.


    Additional standards for commercial development with any single user occupying and/or using greater than 65,000 square feet of moss floor area:


    The proposed site shall front on at least one road functionally classified on the county's comprehensive plan as arterial or greater. Furthermore, at least one (I) vehicle access point shall directly access and connect to said functionally classified arterial (or greater) roadway.


    The master plan shall demonstrate at least two vehicular access points providing adequate ingress and egress with appropriate turn lanes, intersection improvements, signage and signalization (as may be required) to accommodate the traffic impacts of the project. In addition, the County Engineer may require a traffic study prepared according to professionally accepted standards, utilizing original data from similar uses if required by the County Engineer, in conjunction with the application addressing traffic impacts from the project and making specific recommendations to maintain adequate roadway capacities and adequate ingress and egress to and from the site.


    Any commercial development meeting the terms of this subsection located within 2,500 feet of any public school (as measured along the route of normal pedestrian travel from property line to property line) shall prepare and submit at the time of application a traffic and pedestrian safety plan for review and approval by the county. The plan must identify safety conflicts and deficiencies, and include recommended mitigation measures as necessary. In addition to satisfying the requirements of this subsection, the plan must demonstrate to the governing body that adequate provisions have been made to maintain safe and adequate pedestrian and traffic circulation.


    The site design shall provide that pedestrian circulation is coordinated on-site and between adjacent properties for the purpose of providing for pedestrian circulation between complimentary uses.


    All internal walkways shall comply with Florida Accessibility Code design standards. Additionally, all internal pedestrian walkways shall be distinguished from driving surfaces through the use of durable, low maintenance surface materials such as pavers, scored concrete or stamped asphalt to the extent not inconsistent with said standards.


    Transit facilities, including, but limited to bus stops, pull out lanes, transit related signage, shelters and bicycle racks for transit users, shall be provided as determined by the County to accommodate transit service.


    Any applicant seeking a deviation from any requirement above shall, concurrently with and as a part of its application, include a written request for such requested deviation and explain in detail all circumstances which the applicant believes justifies the requested deviation from the requirements herein.


    In the PDP (Corporate Park) District outdoor storage may be approved if specifically designated or specified in the narrative or on the master plan, or as a Special Exception use provided the outdoor storage is confined to a portion of the property which shall be screened by an opaque fence, wall of opaque landscaping at a height that will effectively screen the storage from adjoining streets and properties. No outside storage is allowed within the minimum building setback from an adjoining street.

(Ord. No. 2004-03, § 23, 2-24-04; Ord. No. 2008-17, § I, 7-22-08; Ord. No. 2015-05, § IV, 4-14-15; Ord. No. 2016-12, § IV, 7-27-16)