§ 3. Narrative standards.  

Latest version.
  • For all Planned Development Projects, the applicant shall submit a narrative. The narrative, at a minimum, shall discuss each of the following items:


    Proposed land uses and approximate acreage of land uses;


    Proposed density levels for the residential development (if applicable)/intensity of commercial (in square footage);


    Separation distances for the differing land uses within, and external to, the proposed PDP;


    Proposed setbacks, minimum sizes for individual lots, and building heights;


    Condition of and impact on natural features;


    Discussion of the impact on infrastructure, including but not limited to transportation, water, drainage, sanitary sewer, parks, recreation, solid waste and public school facilities, along with any necessary data and analysis required to demonstrate that adequate public facilities will be available;


    Discussion on any improvements proposed to the infrastructure to maintain and demonstrate adequate public facilities;


    Proposed uses within all the pods;


    Existing land uses on the site and the adjacent site;


    Concept of the development plan, including project phasing if applicable;


    Identification, and justification of, any proposed deviations from the design standards;


    If the project or any portion involves dedicated senior or age-restricted housing, or is restricted to affordable housing as defined in section 420.0004, Florida Statutes, or workforce housing as defined in section 420.5095, Florida Statutes, as such statutes may be amended or renumbered from time to time, then a description of such housing shall be included in the narrative. The county shall require a separate development agreement with the applicant and/or evidence of recordable deed restrictions or such other recordable instrument acceptable to the county which memorializes and enforces such commitment to provide senior or age-restricted housing, affordable housing, and/or work-force housing.


    Depending upon the location, complexity or size of the proposed project the planning staff may request additional information necessary to complete the review of the project.

    This shall be considered a preliminary narrative at time of submittal of the request for zoning amendment petition. The Governing Body may require that a PDP narrative be revised to meet any additional conditions. If the Governing Body requires such a revision, the applicant must submit a revised narrative, meeting all conditions following the action by the Governing Body. In no event shall the applicant receive any subsequent development approval from the county until such time the applicant has submitted a revised narrative meeting the requirements of this provision.

(Ord. No. 98-24, §§ 11, 13, 8-25-98; Ord. No. 2003-08, § 5, 4-22-03; Ord. No. 2005-01, § 11, 2-8-05; Ord. No. 2008-05, § XXIV, 2-26-08; Ord. No. 2009-18, § VII, 12-8-09)