§ 1. General provisions for planned development projects.  

Latest version.
  • All planned development projects shall meet the following requirements for development:


    Environmental. The planned development project shall meet the requirements of all county regulations, plus all applicable state and federal laws, regulations and rules. Additionally, planned development projects shall be designed to minimize environmental impacts and incorporate existing environmental features into the overall design of the project.


    Perimeter setback: The following shall be the minimum building front, rear and side setbacks for the portion of the project which is adjacent to the project perimeter:

    PDP (Residential Uses) Front 25
    Side 10
    Rear 20
    PDP (Neighborhood Commercial) Side 20
    Rear 35
    PDP (Commercial/Office-Professional Uses) Side 20
    Rear 35
    PDP (Industrial Uses) Side 20
    Rear 35
    PDP (Agricultural, County 2.5) Front 75
    Side 25
    Rear 35
    PDP (Agricultural/Residential) Front 50
    Side 10
    Rear 35
    PDP (Recreational) Front 75
    Side 25
    Rear 25
    PDP (Residential SF Mobile Home) Front 25
    Side 10
    Rear 15
    PDP (Corporate Park) Side 20
    Rear 35
    PDP (Aviation Facilities District) Side 20
    Rear 35
    PDP (Commercial Marine) Side 20
    Rear 35


    Along US 19, SR 50, US 41, US 98, US 301, CR 578, and CR 485, front yard requirements shall be one hundred twenty-five (125) feet. Residential uses located on CR 578 between US 19 and Oak Lake Drive shall meet the standard setback of the district. For (commercial/office professional uses), (industrial), (corporate park), and (aviation facilities) PDPs, front perimeter setbacks are as follows:

    Along all roads not included above and identified on the Existing Functional Classification Map developed by Hernando County, the front setback shall be seventy-five (75) feet. Along all roadways not identified on the Existing Functional Classification Map, the minimum front yard requirement is thirty-five (35) feet.

    For neighborhood commercial PDPs, front perimeter setbacks are as follows:

    Along all roads not included above and identified on the Existing Functional Classification Map developed by Hernando County, the front setback shall be fifty (50) feet. Along all roadways not identified on the Existing Functional Classification Map, the minimum front yard requirement is thirty-five (35) feet.

    The Existing Functional Classification Map developed by Hernando County is hereby adopted by reference and made part of this section. The official Existing Functional Classification Map shall be placed on file at the Hernando County Planning Department. The Existing Functional Classification Map may be modified by board resolution at any time upon notice of an advertised public hearing.

    For PDP (Commercial Marine), the rear setback may be reduced to twenty-five (25) feet adjacent to a navigable water body.


    Buffering. A buffer shall be required between a Planned Development Project land use which is multifamily or non-residential and a land use, external to the PDP, which is residential, agricultural-residential or agricultural.

    The buffer shall consist of a minimum five-foot landscaped separation distance. The multifamily or nonresidential use located on such lot shall be permanently screened from the adjoining and contiguous properties by a wall, fence, and/or approved enclosures. Such screening shall have a minimum height of five (5) [feet] and a maximum height of eight (8) feet, or an evergreen hedge with a minimum height of five (5) feet at the time of planting.


    Building Coverage. Residential PDPs with single family or single family attached uses, and all PDPs with a residential component shall not exceed more than 35 percent building area coverage for the residential acreage.

    Residential PDPs with multifamily uses and all PDPs with a residential component with multifamily uses shall not exceed more than 45 percent building area coverage for the residential acreage.


    Landscaping. All planned development projects shall meet the landscaping requirements of the Community Appearance Ordinance.


    Streets. All streets within a planned development project shall meet minimum county design standards. The developer may suggest alternative design standards for streets to the county engineer, submit data supporting the alternative design, and request approval of the alternative design by the governing body.


    Comprehensive plan. The petitioner shall demonstrate consistency with the Hernando County Comprehensive Plan.


    Parking standards. All required parking shall meet the requirements of the land development regulations. The developer may suggest alternative design standards for parking areas to the county engineer and may suggest reduced parking standards to the planning department, submit data supporting the alternative design, and request approval of the alternative design and reduced parking standards by the governing body.


    Dedication. The developer of a planned development project in which any facilities, improvements, or features are to be privately maintained shall dedicate the facilities, improvements, or features to a property owners' association and shall grant to the association either a fee simple interest or an easement in the property upon which the facilities are constructed. Membership in the property owners' association shall be mandatory and the association shall be formed by the developer concurrent with the filing of any record plat for the development.


    Signs. All proposed signage within a planned development project shall meet the requirements of the county's sign ordinance. Any deviations to the sign ordinance shall be presented on the master plan, and specifically requested in the narrative, at time of submittal of the application for the master plan. The developer may suggest alternative signage for review and approval by the governing body.


    Accessory structures and buildings in residential PDPs.


    Accessory buildings are permitted in the side, rear and secondary front yards. Such accessory buildings shall be at least five (5) feet from side and rear lot lines. Accessory structures in the secondary front yard shall meet the front yard requirements of the district for the principal building.


    Noncommercial piers and boat houses are permitted in the side and rear yard, provided the structure is at least five (5) feet from side property lines. No setback is required from lot lines adjoining waterways.


    Swimming pools and screened swimming pool enclosures are permitted in the side or rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from side and rear property lines. Swimming pools and screened swimming pool enclosures are permitted in the secondary front yards and shall meet the front yard requirements of the district for the principal building.


    Attached carports shall meet the principal building yard requirements of the district.


    Detached accessory structures which have pervious or impervious roof coverings shall be permitted in the side and rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from the side and rear property lines. Detached accessory structures in the secondary front yard shall meet the front yard requirements of the district for the principal building.


    Except as provided in subparagraph vii. hereof, no more than one detached building shall be allowed on a parcel. Any detached accessory building exceeding two hundred (200) square feet in size must meet the following:


    The detached accessory building shall either be on a permanent foundation consisting of either a stem wall with continuous footing, a monolithic slab, or permanent foundation designed to meet the criteria of the flood regulations in flood-prone areas; or, the detached accessory building shall be skirted with a visual screening of new material, or material in acceptable condition, consisting of aluminum, pressure-treated wood, masonry or other acceptable material placed around the entire perimeter of the detached accessory building extending from the base to the ground.


    All other applicable standards relating to accessory buildings shall be met.


    The detached accessory building shall be no more than four hundred (400) square feet in size.


    One detached garage, in addition to the detached building provided for in item vi. above, is allowed meeting the following criteria:


    The detached garage is site built; and


    Has a minimum dimension of ten (10) feet by twenty (20) feet; and


    The length of the detached garage shall be no more than twice the measurement of the width; and


    Has a minimum roof pitch of 3 on 12; and


    Has roof materials of either shingles or tile; and


    Has either lap siding, brick veneer, concrete block or stucco exterior walls; and


    The detached garage shall be on a permanent foundation consisting of either a stem wall with continuous footing, a monolithic slab, or permanent foundation designed to meet the criteria of the flood regulations in flood-prone areas.


    Fire protection plan. For all residential PDPs with lots which have lot widths of less than sixty (60) feet at the building line, a fire protection plan must be submitted upon the filing of a conditional plat. The fire protection plan must include:


    Prohibition of walls which preclude access to side yards; or,


    If walls are proposed, gates or doors must be provided to allow access to side yards; or,


    The provision of a fifteen-foot separation strip free of any impediments (no walls, structures, pools, buildings, etc.) every eight (8) units and unimpeded rear yards; or,


    Residential sprinkler system; or,


    Other plan acceptable to the county.


    Portable storage structure regulations in all residential PDPs. A portable storage structure not to exceed 160 square feet in size is allowable in conjunction with the residential use of a property when the storage structure is associated with remodeling, other construction, or moving. Such portable storage structure shall be allowable for a period not to exceed 30 days except when used in conjunction with a building permit issued for remodeling or other construction. In these cases, the portable storage structure is allowable for a period to correspond with the building permit.


    Open Space. Usable open space excludes drainage retention areas and required buffers. Conservation areas which allow passive use may be utilized in the usable open space calculation. The minimum open space shall be as required under chapter 10 of this code entitled community appearance unless additional open space is required in connection with master plan approval or as otherwise required in this zoning code, whichever results in the greatest percentage or amount of open space being provided.


    Duration of Master Plan. The failure of the applicant to initiate substantial performance within two (2) years from date of approval by the governing body shall render the master plan null and void unless a longer duration period is specifically set forth in a valid and unexpired DRI development order or a valid and unexpired development agreement between the applicant and the county. If a planned development project requires subsequent conditional plat approval, then 'substantial performance' shall mean that the applicant has obtained conditional plat approval during the duration period and the applicant is diligently pursuing the next stage of development approval in accordance with all applicable time frames. If a planned development project does not require plat approval, then 'substantial performance' shall mean that the applicant has obtained a building permit for vertical construction relating to the primary or principal building for non-residential projects or has obtained building permits for the first phase of dwelling units for residential projects during the duration period. Should these subsequent time frames not be adhered to, then the master plan shall be deemed null and void. A master plan that has been deemed null and void under this provision cannot be revived except by the applicant starting the process anew including filing a new application and paying all required fees.


    Neighborhood parks. Single family planned development projects of more than fifty (50) dwelling units shall meet the requirements for the provision of neighborhood parks. The provision of neighborhood parks for use by the residents of the subdivision in accordance with the requirements for neighborhood parks shall count towards the minimum open space requirements of this subsection.

(Ord. No. 98-24, §§ 10, 11, 8-25-98; Ord. No. 99-14, §§ 19, 20, 7-6-99; Ord. No. 2000-07, § 7, 5-9-00; Ord. No. 2001-06, §§ 14, 15, 5-8-01; Ord. No. 2001-24, §§ 14—16, 12-18-01; Ord. No. 2003-02, § 17, 2-11-03; Ord. No. 2003-08, § 3, 4-22-03; Ord. No. 2004-03, § 22, 2-24-04; Ord. No. 2005-01, § 11, 2-8-05; Ord. No. 2008-05, § XXII, 2-26-08; Ord. No. 2008-04, § III, 2-13-08; Ord. No. 2009-18, § V, 12-8-09; Ord. No. 2010-1, § III, 1-26-10; Ord. No. 2010-21, § VI, 10-26-10; Ord. No. 2016-17, § V, 11-8-16)