§ 28-242. Tampering with district property prohibited.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    No person shall turn off or turn on water at the water meter, curb stop, corporation stop, or valve, or to in any way disconnect or remove any water meter or disturb, alter or damage any water connection, meter or water main belonging to the district, unless authorized by the district to do so.


    No person shall destroy, deface, impair, injure or wantonly force open any gate or door therein or in any way whatsoever destroy, injure, deface, wantonly destroy any part of the building, or the appurtenances, fences or fixtures there unto appertaining, or any water pipes, gates reservoirs, hydrants, fountains or any fixtures or other property belonging to the district's water and/or sanitary sewer systems; or, without authority from the department, remove, open, hitch to, dig out, sod or curb over any fire plug or hydrant, stopcock, valve, valve box, meter box or other fixture belonging to the district's water and/or sanitary sewer systems; or without authority from the department use water directly from a water line, whip, hydrant, valve or other fixture belonging to the district without a water meter installed by the department.


    No consumer shall furnish water to any other person either by use of pipes or fixtures on his own premises or by extending pipes to the premises of other persons.


    No person shall construct a fence, shed or other structure or plant trees or shrubs which has the effect of obstructing or limiting access by the department to a water meter, water and/or sanitary sewer lines, valves, or other fixture belonging to the district located within a utility easement or right-of-way. In addition to any other remedies under law, the department shall have the right, upon failure of the property owner to modify or remove the obstacle within thirty (30) days following notification by the department to so do, to remove or modify the obstacle to provide access to the fixture. In the case of an emergency, the department shall have the right to take whatever measures are reasonably necessary to repair, replace, or otherwise protect the water and/or sanitary sewer systems of the district.


    No unauthorized person shall cause storm water, groundwater or any other unauthorized water or material to enter the sanitary sewer system, including sanitary sewage from septic tank trucks. This shall include the connection of downspouts of air conditioning condensate lines into the sanitary sewer system; raising manhole lids or opening sanitary sewer line cleanouts to allow for drainage; dumping garbage, refuse or other wastes in manholes; draining of swimming pools into sanitary sewers; or any other means of causing or allowing any substance not considered sanitary sewage or not legally paid for as sanitary sewage to enter sanitary sewer system.


    It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this section. Any such violation is subject to the penalties set forth herein.

(Ord. No. 2005-19, § 7, 10-18-05)