§ 28-241. Water meters.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All necessary meters up to and including two (2) inches in size will be furnished by the department and shall remain the property of the district. Multi-family residential, non-residential or commercial applicants requiring meter sizes in excess of two (2) inches shall purchase and ensure the proper installation of the appropriately sized water meter in accordance with the department's specifications. Upon installation and inspection by the department, the meter shall become and remain the property of the district. The department shall maintain, repair and/or replace such meters at its discretion and expense.


    A new owner of a property already connected to the district's water system who desires a meter larger than the size of the meter then in service shall be required to pay the difference between the rates, fees, and charges in effect for the meter then in service and the rates, fees, and charges in effect for the larger meter, and the cost of installation for the new meter.


    The department shall maintain the proper operation of all meters and has the right to, whenever such meter wears out or becomes incapacitated or at any time at its own discretion, install a new meter. The department has sole right to determine the need to replace or repair a meter. Only department employees are authorized to turn on or off a water meter or to repair or replace a water meter connected to a district water system.


    The department shall have the right to test meters to determine their accuracy whenever it sees fit. If a customer demands a meter test when, in the judgment of the department, the meter is operating correctly, the customer shall pay a fee for such test as established by the board, provided the accuracy of registration is found satisfactory. Satisfactory registration shall be within tolerances of two (2) percent minus or two (2) percent plus. A customer shall have the right to be present at the time of testing.


    The department shall have the right of access to the premises of a customer at any reasonable hour for the purpose of conducting the normal business of the department, such as making tests and inspections or reading water meters.


    In the event any meter is damaged, destroyed or fails to register due to tampering by unauthorized persons, the customer may be billed for the period involved on a basis of their average water consumption for the preceding three (3) months.


    When a customer has made application for water and/or sanitary sewer service and paid the installation or meter charges, and the installation of the new service has been completed, the department shall not be required to refund these charges if the customer later decides not to receive service, but the department shall retain such payments as liquidated damages.

(Ord. No. 2005-19, § 6, 10-18-05)