§ 28-213. Connection fees.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Definitions of water facilities, equivalent residential unit level of service, and connection fees.


    Water supply facilities. Water production wells, raw water lines and telemetry systems required to provide adequate amounts of water to businesses and residences within the district's service area.


    Water storage facilities. Water storage tanks required to provide additional water capacity during peak demand hours when water consumption is greater than water pumping capacity. This saves the district from having to construct additional wells in order to pump enough water to meet peak demands.


    Water treatment facilities. Chlorinators, pumps, and hydro-pneumatic tanks required to purify the raw water and kill any bacteria which may exist in the water to ensure that the water is safe for human consumption and to pump the treated water into the transmission system for distribution.


    Offsite water transmission facilities. All water lines and water mains necessary to transmit water from the well to the onsite water distribution system.


    Water equivalent residential unit (ERU). The ERU level of service (LOS) for water usage for residential, non-residential, commercial and industrial unit shall be established by resolution of the board.


    Water connection fee. As established by resolution of the board, the connection fee per ERU for residential, non-residential, commercial and industrial units shall consist of four (4) components:


    Water supply facilities;


    Water storage facilities;


    Water treatment facilities; and


    Offsite water transmission facilities.


    Onsite water transmission/distribution facilities. Water lines and water mains that distribute water to the residential and/or commercial buildings located within the property boundaries that are necessary to service the development, excluding oversizing requested by the district. The developer shall be responsible for funding and constructing all onsite facilities, excluding funding for oversizing requested by the district.


    Definitions of wastewater facilities, equivalent residential unit level of service, and connection fees.


    Subregional wastewater treatment facilities. Major subregional components consisting of wastewater treatment plants, disposal facilities and/or reclaimed water facilities.


    Subregional wastewater offsite transmission facilities. All gravity lines, force mains and pump stations necessary to transmit wastewater from the onsite system to the subregional wastewater treatment plant, of sufficient size and design to accommodate future area growth.


    Nonsubregional offsite facilities. Consists of the lines, pumps, and pump stations to transfer sewage from the project boundary to the subregional transmission system, subregional wastewater treatment plant, interim wastewater transmission system, or interim wastewater treatment plant which is not sufficiently sized and designed to accommodate future area growth.


    Wastewater equivalent residential unit (ERU). The ERU level of service (LOS) for wastewater usage for residential, non-residential, commercial and industrial units shall be established by resolution of the board.


    Wastewater connection fee. As established by resolution of the board, the connection fee per ERU for residential, non-residential, commercial and/or industrial shall consist of three (3) components:


    Subregional wastewater treatment facilities;


    Subregional wastewater offsite transmission facilities; and


    Nonsubregional offsite facilities.


    Wastewater onsite facilities. Gravity lines, force mains and pump stations within the legal boundary description of the property that are necessary to service the development, excluding oversizing requested by the district. The developer shall be responsible for funding and constructing all onsite facilities, excluding funding for oversizing requested by the district.


    Connection fees.


    Connection fees shall be uniform, and based upon current costs of providing potable water supply or wastewater treatment plant and disposal facilities. Connection fees shall be based upon the anticipated average daily water consumption and/or wastewater flow contribution for the type of development or establishment requesting service. Connection fees shall be determined in accordance with subsections (a)(5) (water equivalent residential unit) and (b)(4) (wastewater equivalent residential unit) above. (ERUs for non-residential, commercial, or industrial use shall be determined by dividing the average water flow required by the level of service (LOS) in gallons per day (gpd) as established for a single ERU and the average wastewater flow required, or generated, by the LOS in gpd as established for a single ERU.)


    Connection fees for water and wastewater services shall be established by, and in the future may be amended by, resolution of the Hernando County Board of County Commissioners as adopted at an advertised public hearing. Notice of such public hearing setting forth the schedule or schedules of connection fees shall be given by one publication in a newspaper published in the county at least ten (10) days, including weekends and holidays, before the date fixed in said notice for the hearing.


    Whenever existing structures connected to the system require additional water supply and/or sewage capacity, or whenever existing structures connected to the system use a greater water supply and/or sewage capacity than was allocated to them, in an amount equal to five (5) percent or more in rounded ERU's than provided for in prior paid connection fees, additional connection fees shall be charged and collected based upon such anticipated increase in flow or usage. The amount of additional connection fees charged for the additional flow or usage shall be based on the average daily water usage and/or sewage treated for the most recent twelve-month period. All additional connection fees shall be paid at the rates then in effect at time of payment.


    The board, on behalf of the district, has established water and sewer hook-up charges under separate ordinance and resolution. Water and sewer hook-up charges are not included in the connection fee described above and shall be paid directly to the department prior to connection.


    In the event any request for service cannot be calculated by the department and engineering work is required; the applicant shall pay the cost of such engineering.


    Calculation of connection fees.


    Calculation of water connection fees.


    For residential developments, the planned number of single-family residential units is multiplied by the current total water connection fee per ERU to determine the total water connection fees due for the development.


    Non-residential, commercial, and industrial water connection fees are calculated by dividing the required or anticipated average daily water flow of the non-residential, commercial or industrial water user by the level of service in gallons as established by ordinance per water ERU to determine the total number of ERUs for the non-residential, commercial or industrial water user. The calculated ERU value for the water user is then multiplied by the current water connection fee per ERU to determine the total water connection fee due for the project.


    Water connection fees credits. Water connection fee credits may only be granted for those projects where the developer is actually constructing, at the developer's expense, the following various connection fee components of water facilities.


    Water supply facilities. Credit up to the existing water supply facilities component per ERU may be granted only for the land, design, construction, and engineering services for water wells, raw water lines and telemetry systems.


    Water storage facilities. Credit up to the existing water storage facilities component per ERU may be granted only for the land, design, construction, and engineering services for water storage facilities.


    Water treatment facilities. Credit up to the existing water treatment facilities component per ERU may be granted only for the land, design, construction and engineering services for water treatment facilities.


    Offsite water transmission facilities. Credit up to the existing offsite water transmission component per ERU may be granted only for the design, construction and engineering services for offsite water transmission facilities.


    Calculation of wastewater connection fees.


    For wastewater flows, which do not require pretreatment prior to discharge into the wastewater system, wastewater connection fees are calculated as follows:


    For residential developments, the planned number of single-family residential units is multiplied by the current total wastewater connection fee per ERU to determine the total connection fees due for the development.


    Non-residential, commercial, and industrial wastewater connection fees are calculated by dividing the required or anticipated average daily wastewater flow of the non-residential, commercial or industrial water user by the level of service in gallons as established by ordinance per wastewater ERU to determine the total number of ERUs for the non-residential, commercial or industrial wastewater user. The calculated ERU value for the wastewater user is then multiplied by the current wastewater connection fee per ERU to determine the total wastewater connection fee due for the project.


    For establishments where wastewater flows exceed normal domestic strength, the ERUs shall be adjusted to compensate for the cost of reducing such strength to a normal domestic strength, or the applicant shall be required to provide pre-treatment to reduce the wastewater flow to normal domestic strength prior to entry of the wastewater flows into the county's wastewater system.


    Wastewater connection fee credits. Wastewater connection fee credits may only be granted for those projects where the developer is actually constructing, at the developer's expense, the following various connection fee components of wastewater facilities.


    Subregional wastewater treatment facilities. Credit up to the existing subregional wastewater treatment facilities component per ERU may be granted only for the land, design, construction and engineering services of subregional wastewater plants, disposal or reclaimed water facilities. Credit will not be given for connection to, expansion of, or construction of interim wastewater facilities.


    Subregional wastewater offsite transmission facilities. Credit up to the existing subregional wastewater offsite transmission facilities component per ERU may be granted only for the design, construction and engineering services of subregional transmission facilities at the required subregional size at build-out.


    Non-subregional offsite facilities. Credit up to the existing non-subregional offsite facilities component of each ERU may be granted for the construction of offsite transmission and collection system(s).

(Ord. No. 2003-06, § 5, 3-25-03; Ord. No. 2005-20, § 4, 10-18-05)