§ 28-185. License; permit.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Competency license required. No septic tank, grease trap, privy, portable toilet, holding tank or other on-site waste disposal facility shall be cleaned or have its contents removed by a septage hauling service engaged in a septage disposal service until such service has obtained a competency license from the Department of HRS, Hernando County Public Health Unit. This does not include the removal of wastewater treatment plant sludge.


    Permit required. In addition, no person shall engage in the business of transporting or disposing of domestic septage, food service sludge, portable toilet waste, or industrial nontoxic sludge or wastewater treatment plant sludge within Hernando County without first obtaining a county permit. Approval for a permit shall be contingent upon the following:


    Evidence that the applicant possesses adequate equipment, such as a tank truck, pumps, appurtenances and tools, for the work intended. Equipment shall be inspected and approved by the county public health unit.


    The permanent location and address of the business where operations will originate and where equipment is to be stored when it is not in use.


    The proposed disposal method and the site to be used for disposing of on-site sewage disposal system septage and wastewater treatment plant sludges. The proposed disposal method and the site to be used shall be inspected and approved by the Hernando County Public Health Unit.


    Proof that the twelve-hour Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services educational course has been successfully completed by the septage hauler.


    Proof that the applicant has been actively engaged as a licensed septage hauler operator or under the supervision of a licensed operator in the State of Florida for at least two (2) of the last five (5) years.




    Proof of a bond in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) with the bond payable to the Hernando County Board of County Commissioners, for the purpose of correcting any environmental damage or public health threat by the license holder. This does not apply to any government agencies in Hernando County.


    That the applicant agrees to abide by this article and any other state or federal code applicable to the activity for which the permit is sought.


    Display of permit number. When a permit is issued, the number of such permit along with the name of the company, its address, phone number, and the gallon capacity of the truck shall be prominently displayed on the service truck with three-inch or larger letters.


    Transferability. Permits shall not be transferable.


    Suspension or revocation. A septage disposal service permit may be suspended or revoked by the Hernando County Code Enforcement Board where the permit holder has violated this article or has violated either state or federal regulations or statutes governing activity engaged in by the permit holder.


    Duration; inspection for renewal. Each permit issued will be for a one-year period (January 1 to December 31). Each year during December each current permit holder so desiring will be required to renew of his/her permit for the following year. In the thirty (30) days prior to renewal the permittee shall ensure that the Hernando County Health Unit inspects the permittee's equipment for compliance with all applicable health regulations. All discrepancies must be corrected prior to the renewal.


    Inspection prior to initial issuance. Prior to an initial permit becoming effective, the applicant shall ensure that the Hernando County Public Health Unit inspects the permittee's equipment for compliance with all applicable health regulations, noncomplying equipment will not be used until compliance is achieved.


    Appeal from denial of initial permit. Whenever a permit holder/permit applicant is denied an initial permit or permit renewal, he/she may appeal to the Hernando County Environmental Health Board. This appeal must be filed with the Hernando County Public Health Unit within thirty (30) days of the disapproval of the application.

(Ord. No. 89-20, § 6, 10-24-89; Ord. No. 2007-05, § 8, 4-17-07)