§ 28-184. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The definitions contained in this section shall have the meanings set forth below whenever they appear in this article. In addition, all definitions in Subsections 17-7, 17-640, and 10D-6, Florida Administrative Code, are incorporated into and made a part of this article except where amended herein.

    Agricultural lands. All lands zoned for agricultural purposes.

    Disinfection. The selective destruction of pathogens in wastewater effluent or sludge as described in Chapter 7 of EPA 625/6-84-009, Septage Treatment and Disposal. This manual is adopted and made a part of this article by reference.

    Domestic septage. All solid or liquid wastes containing human feces or residual of such, which have not been stabilized or disinfected. Not included are food service sludges, industrial sludges, and wastewater treatment plant sludges.

    Domestic sludge. A solid or liquid waste resulting from a wastewater treatment plant, sewage, septage, or food service operation, or any other such waste having similar characteristics. Domestic sludge may be liquid, semisolid or solid, but does not include the treated effluent from a wastewater treatment plant.

    Food service sludge. Oils, greases and grease trap pumpings generated by a food service operation.

    Industrial sludge. Sludges that are primarily composed of materials generated through a manufacturing or other industrial process and which do not contain toxic substances.

    Licensed septage hauling service. A person, firm or corporation, or any other entity licensed by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS), Hernando County Public Health Unit, to haul domestic septage, food service sludge, industrial sludge or chemical toilet waste.

    Lime stabilization. The addition of sufficient quantities of lime to raise and maintain a sludge at or above a pH of 12.0 for two (2) hours, which such process being as described in Chapter 7, EPA 625/6-84-009, Septage Treatment and Disposal.

    Permitted septage/sludge hauling service. A person, firm or corporation or any other entity holding a valid permit issued by Hernando County to haul domestic septage, food service sludge, industrial sludge, wastewater treatment plant sludge or chemical toilet waste.

    Portable toilet waste. A waste resulting from chemical toilets, privy holding tanks or other equipment designed for temporary collection and storage of wastes containing human feces or residuals of such or any other such waste having similar characteristics. This waste may be liquid, semisolid or solid.

    Sludge generator. Any facility that, as a normal function of its operation, produces a sludge. Residential septic tanks are excluded.

    Sludge pasteurization. The heating of a sludge to seventy (70) degrees Celsius for at least thirty (30) minutes, or heating of sludge to a temperature higher or lower than seventy (70) degrees Celsius for a duration that produces a similar kill of microorganisms.

    Stabilization. The use of a treatment process to render sludge or septage less odorous and putrescible, and to reduce the pathogenic content as described in Chapter 6 of EPA 625/1-79-0 11, Process Design Manual for Sludge Treatment and Disposal.

    Toxic substances. Any of the following:


    Hazardous wastes as defined in Chapter 17-30, Florida Administrative Code.


    A pollutant as defined in Chapter 376, Florida Statutes.


    A substance which is or is suspected to be carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, or toxic to human beings, or to be acutely toxic as defined in Rule 17-3.021(1), Florida Administrative Code.


    A substance which poses a serious danger to the public health, safety or welfare.

    Treatment. The process of altering the character or physical or chemical condition of the waste to prevent pollution of water, air or soil to safeguard the public health or enable the waste to be recycled.

(Ord. No. 89-20, § 5, 10-24-89)