§ 7-73. Operation of vessels, watercraft and airboats; prohibited conduct.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The noise level attained by any watercraft shall not be of sufficient volume as to unreasonably disturb or inconvenience the general public or residents of adjacent areas and which would otherwise exceed the sound level limits (in decibels) set forth in the Hernando County Noise Control Ordinance as contained in chapter 21, article VIII of this Code.


    Airboats are to remain at least one thousand (1,000) feet from any dwelling while in operation. This shall not include airboats leaving or returning to a port, ramp or residence, or airboats operating within a marked channel or seaward of a marked channel.


    Operation of vessels shall be limited to existing natural waterways and marked or designated channels. Vessels shall not operate in a no entry zone. This subsection shall not apply to residents or owners of property whose sole access to said property is via any watercraft; however, other provisions, such as slow speed shall still apply to the maximum extent necessary.


    Idle speed shall be maintained within any area posted as slow speed/minimum wake zone pursuant to this article or article II of this chapter.


    The jumping of any roadway by any watercraft shall be prohibited on any property owned and/or maintained by Hernando County. No watercraft shall, under its own power, travel on or across any roadway, parking lot, other public area, or over land.


    Vessels shall not operate in any manner that shall damage or destroy existing marshes or seagrasses.


    Watercraft and barges shall be prohibited from entering into, crossing over, or operating within any designated seagrass regeneration special protection zone.


    Each act of violating any of the foregoing provisions shall constitute a separate offense which may be cited or enforced by any means authorized by this Code or applicable law.

(Ord. No 2008-22, § I, 10-21-08)