§ 7-18. Restricted speed zones; authority to designate; signage; area around operation of dredge boat.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Designation of restricted speed zones. The board of county commissioners is hereby authorized to designate areas within navigable waters of the county, including the Hernando Beach Channel and the Bayport Channel as restricted zones, either as a "Slow Down—Minimum Wake" zone or as an "Idle Speed—No Wake" zone. Such designation shall not take effect until there has been one (1) publication in a local newspaper of general circulation in the county, in which the area designated as the restricted zone is defined and the type of zone indicated. No area shall be designated as either type of restricted zone unless a public hearing is first held by the board of county commissioners, after the notice is published at which all interested persons shall be heard. Any amendment to this article which has been duly advertised in accordance with section 125.66, Florida Statutes, and a public hearing by the board of county commissioners has been held shall be deemed to satisfy all of the foregoing advertising and notice requirements. The county port authority shall be advised of any such proposed designation, and the board of county commissioners may consider any comments or recommendations of the authority pertaining thereto.


    Mandatory "Idle Speed—No Wake" zone around dredge boats. The operation, moving or parking of any dredge boat within any waterway or water body covered under this article shall be deemed to constitute a navigational and safety hazard. There shall be a three hundred (300) feet "Idle Speed—No Wake" around any dredge boat which is operating, moving or parked in connection with any dredging operation. A violation of this provision shall carry the severest fine/penalty allowed by law upon plea or finding of guilt.

(Ord. No. 2011-12, § I, 6-28-11)