§ 3-61. Standard of review.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Basis for approval. An application may be approved when in the best interest of airport.


    Basis for denial. Applications may be denied for one (1) or more of the following reasons:


    The applicant cannot demonstrate that they can fully meet the qualifications, standards and requirements established by the airport's minimum operating standards.


    The applicant's proposed operation or construction would create a safety hazard on the airport.


    The granting of the application will require the expenditure of local funds, labor or materials on the facilities described in or related to the application, or the operation will result in a financial loss to the airport.


    There is no appropriate or adequate available space or building on the airport to accommodate the entire activity of the applicant at the time of application.


    The proposed operation, airport development or construction does not comply with the land use ordinance or airport layout plan.


    The development or use of the area requested will result in a congestion of aircraft or buildings, or will result in unduly interfering with the operations of any present FBO on the airport, such as problems in preventing free access and egress to the existing FBO area, or will result in depriving an existing FBO of portions of its leased area in which it is operating.


    Any party applying, or interested in the business, has supplied false information, or has misrepresented any material fact in the application or in supporting documents, or has failed to make full disclosure on the application.


    Any party applying, or having an interest in the business, has a record of violating the rules and regulations of any other airport, civil air regulations, Federal Aviation Regulations or any other rules and regulations applicable to this or any other airport.


    Any party applying, or having an interest in the business, has defaulted in the performance of any lease or other agreement with Hernando County or any lease or other agreement at any other airport.


    Any party applying, or having an interest in the business, is not sufficiently credit worthy and responsible in the judgment of the county to provide and maintain the business to which the application relates.


    The applicant does not have the financial capitalization necessary to conduct the proposed operation.


    The applicant has failed to make full disclosure in the application or supporting documents or has made a false or misleading disclosure.


    The applicant has committed a crime or violated a local ordinance, rule or regulation, which adversely reflects on its ability to conduct the operation for which the applicant applied.


    The proposed activity or activities would create an unfair advantage to the prospective tenant and/or financial hardship to existing airport tenants that are in good standing with the county.


    The applicant does not have the technical capabilities or experience or financial resources to properly conduct the proposed activities.


    The applicant has failed to pay taxes or is otherwise subject to a tax deficiency.

(Ord. No. 2015-3, § 1, 2-24-15)