§ 28-246. Water and/or sewer service rates.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    No free service. No water or sanitary sewer service shall be furnished or rendered free of charge to any person, firm, or corporation whatsoever, including city, county, state, and/or federal departments or agencies, and each and every person, firm, corporation, agency, department or instrumentality which uses either or both such services shall pay therefore at the rates fixed by the board.


    Minimum charges. There shall be a minimum monthly billing charge per account or a minimum monthly service availability charge for all improved properties connected to the district's water and/or sanitary sewer systems, or both such charges, as may be set by rate resolution. The district may adopt such policies as may facilitate collection of such charges, if established.


    Conservation rates. Recognizing a need to preserve and protect the county's water resources, monthly base rates and/or usage charges shall be established to promote water conservation by all users of the district's water systems.


    Establishing water and/or sewer service rates. Service rates for water and sanitary sewer services shall be established by, and may be amended by, resolution of the board, as adopted at an advertised public hearing. Notice of such public hearing setting forth the schedule or schedules of rates, fees and charges shall be given by one (1) publication in a newspaper published in the county at least ten (10) days, including weekends and holidays, before the date fixed in said notice for the hearing. In advertising such rate schedule or schedules, the department shall comply with any applicable statutory notice requirements.


    Consumer price index. The board shall hold an advertised public hearing annually on application and adoption of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) adjustment approved by the Florida Public Service Commission with respect to all then-effective rates for water and sewer service. The department shall recommend to the board whether or not to adopt such CPI adjustment in whole or in part in a rate resolution.


    Payments in lieu of franchise fees.


    Pursuant to F.S. § 337.401(1), the occupation of the rights-of-way owned by Hernando County and located in the unincorporated portion of Hernando County, Florida, by a utility for the purpose of constructing or maintaining or erecting or installing utility systems shall be subject to the payment of rent. "Payment in lieu of franchise fee" shall mean the rental charge to be paid by county-owned utilities presently occupying or proposing to occupy rights-of-way owned by Hernando County.


    The board may adopt, by resolution, a water and wastewater payment in lieu of franchise fee equal to an amount not to exceed four and one-half (4.5) percent of the utility's current year's rate revenues as received from the sale or provision of services in the unincorporated areas of Hernando County, Florida, to residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial customers.

(Ord. No. 2005-19, § 11, 10-18-05; Ord. No. 2007-20, § 2, 11-6-07; Ord. No. 2016-15, § 2, 8-9-16)