§ 28-173. Enforcement.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The authorization for HCUD inspectors to enter onto the property of HCUD customers during reasonable daylight hours in order to administer this division is a condition of receiving utility service.


    HCUD is granted the authority to inspect any and all water service connections serviced by the county, and to take appropriate action to insure the integrity of the potable water system and the backflow prevention assembly (BPA). HCUD is given the legal right to immediately disconnect any customer from the system if the service is determined by the HCUD director to constitute a threat, or potential threat, to public health or deemed to be a high health hazard,


    Upon learning of a non-health hazard noncompliance, the HCUD director shall notify the customer of the need to have the potential cross-connection removed or the proper BPA installed within sixty (60) days for a nonresidential service connection and one hundred twenty (120) days for a residential service connection. If the noncompliance exists after this deadline, the HCUD director may install the appropriate BPA and include the cost in the customer's utility bill or disconnect service.


    Testing of BPAs may be required by the customer per the adopted CCCP. If the customer fails to provide passing test results before the deadline, the HCUD can perform the required testing. The customer shall pay for the cost of the testing, labor, materials, and administrative charges. The charges will be assessed on the customer's utility bill. In the event that the HCUD cannot access the BPA for testing, the HCUD shall disconnect the water service until a passing test report is received. In the event that the BPA is a dedicated fire line, the HCUD shall report the customer to Hernando County Fire Rescue for further enforcement.

(Ord. No. 2017-17, § 2, 4-28-17)