§ 28-78. Powers.  

Latest version.
  • The district shall have and exercise all of the powers granted by the act with respect to municipal services districts created under the act, including, without limitation the power to acquire, construct, erect, equip, operate and maintain projects and finance the cost thereof with the proceeds of bonds of the district, which bonds the district is hereby authorized to issue.

    Notwithstanding any provision in this section to the contrary, the county shall, on behalf of the district, operate, maintain, manage, extend and improve the water system and the sewer system. The county may issue obligations from time to time, to finance or refinance improvements or expansions to the water system and sewer system, or for any other purpose related thereto, which obligations may be secured by a pledge of and/or lien on the revenues, or any portion thereof. Such obligations may also be secured by bond resolutions, indentures of trust or other instruments (collectively the "security document") adopted or entered into by the county. The county may pledge and/or grant a lien on the revenues, property, or rights to the same, for the purpose of servicing such obligations pursuant to the security document. The county, on behalf of the district, shall make such covenants and agreements in the security document as it deems appropriate, including but not limited to, covenants relating to operation, maintenance, sale and disposal of the water system and the sewer system, establishment of rates, fees and charges for the services and products of the water system and sewer system and covenants relating to the use and disposition of the revenues. For purposes of the security documents, the revenues, property and rights to the same which are pledged and or liened pursuant to the security documents shall be considered property owned by the county. The district shall take no action that will contravene, conflict with or adversely affect any provision in the security document. The district shall take all actions requested by the county relating to enforcement of the provisions of the security document. The holders of any obligations secured by the revenues, or any portion thereof, and any credit enhancers of such obligations shall be third party beneficiaries to the provisions of this paragraph. The provisions of this paragraph, and/or the nature and composition of the governing body of the Hernando County Water ad Sewer District, as established in Hernando County Resolution 80-4 and modified by Ordinance 90-03, may not be modified or amended in any manner which materially, adversely affects the security of the holders of such obligations without the approval of a majority in aggregate principal amount of the affected holders. For purposes of this section, credit enhancers of such obligations shall be considered the holders thereof if they are not in default in their payment obligations related thereto. Within the parameters described above, the county hereby confirms the establishment of the district and its ownership of the water system and the sewer system. The county affirms that it has the unobstructed right to all revenues collected in its capacity as governing body of the district. In addition, the county may delegate to the district various functions related to the operation of the water system and the sewer system, subject to the provisions of the security document.

(Ord. No. 80-4, § 3, 4-22-80; Ord. No. 02-22, 12-17-02)