§ 28-76. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this division, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings, unless some other meaning is plainly intended:

    Act: Chapter 125, Florida Statutes.

    Assessments: The proceeds to be derived from assessments to be levied against the lands and properties to be specially benefited by the construction of any project, including interest on such assessments and any penalties thereon and moneys received upon the foreclosure of the liens of any such assessments, but excluding money recovered for the expense of collecting assessments.

    Board: The board of county commissioners and, ex officio, governing body of the district.

    Bonds: The obligations issued by the district under the provisions of this division to pay the cost of a project or combination of one or more projects, the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on which shall be payable from the revenues derived from the operation of one or more projects, assessments, taxes within the district only or any other funds of the district or of the county derived from sources other than ad valorem taxation and legally available for such purpose.

    Cost: When used in connection with a project shall mean all expenses necessary, appurtenant or incidental to the acquisition and construction of such project, including without limitation the cost of any land or interest therein or of any fixtures, equipment or personal property necessary or convenient therefor, the cost of labor and materials to complete such construction, engineering and legal expenses, fiscal expenses, expenses for plans, specifications and surveys, interest during construction, administrative expenses related solely to the acquisition and construction of the project and all expenses incident to the financing of the project and the issuance of bonds therefor.

    District: The municipal services district created in section 28-77 of this division.

    Project: Any water system or sewer system, or any extension of or improvement to either, or any combination thereof, and shall include all property and rights, easements and franchises relating thereto and deemed necessary or convenient for the acquisition, construction or operation thereof.

    Revenues: For purposes of this section "revenues" shall be defined as fees, charges and other monies including, but not limited to impact fees, connection fees, assessments, consumption and usage fees and revenue from bulk sales, resulting from the operation of the water system and sewer system.

    Sewer system: Any system, facility, plant or other property used or useful or having the present capacity for future use in connection with the collection, treatment, purification or disposal of sewage and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall embrace treatment plants, pumping stations, intercepting lines, pressure lines, mains and all necessary or convenient appurtenant equipment.

    Water system: Any system, facility, plant, or other property used or useful or having the present capacity for future use in connection with the obtaining, purifying and supplying of water for human consumption, fire protection, irrigation or consumption by business or industry and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall embrace wells, reservoirs, tanks, pumps, pipes, mains and all necessary or convenient appurtenant equipment.

(Ord. No. 80-4, § 1, 4-22-80; Ord. No. 02-22, 12-17-02)

Cross reference

Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-2.