§ 26-91. Dedications; form.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Each plat must contain a dedication executed and acknowledged by the owner in the manner prescribed by law for the execution of deeds. Such dedication shall dedicate to the public or purchasers all streets, canals, parks and other public places shown on the plat, warrant that the dedicators are the owners of the lands platted, and authorize the recording of such plat.


    Dedications and acknowledgments in substantially the following form shall be deemed as sufficient compliance with this section:


    By individual:



    The above legal description contains _____ acres more or less.

    ___________, the owners of the lands described in this plat, do hereby dedicate to the public, the purchasers, and Hernando County all streets, rights-of-way, parks, drainage canals and retention areas, and other public areas as depicted hereon. The easements as designated on this plat are hereby reserved to the declarant, its successors and assigns and granted to Hernando County and public service providers to the subdivision on a nonexclusive basis for the ground level, aboveground, and below ground installations, maintenance, and operation of said utilities and service including drainage; and said owners further do hereby dedicate to the perpetual use of the public and Hernando County, Florida, all lands upon which or within which water and sewer system improvements or facilities exist; and further do hereby dedicate to the perpetual use of the Hernando County Water and Sewer District water and sewer system improvements and facilities including, but not limited to, water or sewer lines or pipes, fire hydrants, wells, lift stations, pumping stations, buildings, sewage disposal plants, other water and sewer system plants and other appurtenant facilities lying within or upon the lands depicted on this plat; and further do hereby reserve unto itself, its heirs, successors, assigns or legal representatives the right to construct, operate and maintain all such dedicated lands, streets, water and sewer system improvements or facilities and appurtenances until such time as the operation and maintenance of said lands, improvements, facilities and appurtenances is assumed by Hernando County, Florida; and further do hereby reserve unto itself, its heirs, successors, assigns or legal representatives including, but not limited to, any private utility furnishing water and sewer services and appurtenances thereto, the title to any lands or improvements dedicated to the public or to the County if for any reason such dedication shall be either voluntarily or involuntarily vacated, voided or invalidated.

    Witness our hands and seals as dedicators this _____ day of ________, 20___.

    Signed and Sealed in the Presence of:

    _____ _____ (seal)
    _____ _____ (seal)
    State of _____
    County of _____


    Before me the undersigned, an officer duly authorized and acting personally appeared _______ and _______ to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing dedication and they, being duly sworn, acknowledged the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal this _____ day of ________, 20___.


    My Commission expires:


    By corporation:



    The above legal description contains _____ acres more or less.

    ___________, a Corporation under the laws of the State of ___________, the owner of the lands herein platted, as dedicator, does hereby dedicate to the public, the purchasers, and Hernando County all streets, rights-of-way, parks, drainage canals and retention areas, and other public areas as depicted hereon. The easements as designated on this plat are hereby reserved to the declarant, its successors and assigns and granted to Hernando County and public service providers to the subdivision on a nonexclusive basis for the ground level, aboveground, and below ground installations, maintenance and operation of said utilities and service including drainage; and said owners further do hereby dedicate to the perpetual use of the public and Hernando County, Florida, all lands upon which or within which water and sewer system improvements or facilities exist; and further do hereby dedicate to the perpetual use of Hernando County, Florida, water and sewer system improvements and facilities including, but not limited to, water or sewer lines or pipes, fire hydrants, wells, lift stations, pumping stations, buildings, sewage disposal plants, other water and sewer system plants and other appurtenant facilities lying within or upon the lands depicted on this plat; and further do hereby reserve unto itself, its heirs, successors, assigns or legal representatives the right to construct, operate and maintain all such dedicated lands, streets, water and sewer system improvements or facilities and appurtenances until such time as the operation and maintenance of said lands, improvements, facilities and appurtenances is assumed by Hernando County, Florida; and further do hereby reserve unto itself, its heirs, successors, assigns or legal representatives, including, but not limited to, any private utility furnishing water and sewer services and appurtenances thereto, the title to any lands or improvements dedicated to the public or to the County if for any reason such dedication shall be either voluntarily or involuntarily vacated, voided or invalidated.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said dedicator has caused its name and corporate seal to be affixed hereto by its President, attested by its Secretary heretofore duly authorized by its Board of Directors, on the _____ day of ________, 20___.

    (Corporate Seal)

    Attest:  _____ _____
    STATE OF _____
    COUNTY OF _____


    Before me the undersigned, an officer duly authorized and acting, personally appeared _______ and _______, to me known to be the individuals who executed the foregoing dedication as President and Secretary, respectively, of ___________ a corporation, under the laws of the State of ___________, and being duly sworn, acknowledged then and there before me that they executed the same as such officers of such Corporation heretofore duly authorized by the Board of Directors of such Corporation as the act and deed of such Corporation.

    WITNESS my hand and official seal this _____ day of ________, 20___.


    My Commission expires:


    For private development, the dedicatory language must be approved by the county.

(Ord. No. 91-22, § 1, 6-13-91; Ord. No. 2008-05, § V, 2-26-08)