§ 26-4. Prohibition of transferring of lots in unrecorded subdivisions; effect on any penalty for such a transfer.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be unlawful for anyone who is the owner of any land to transfer or sell such land by reference to or exhibition of or by other use of a plat of subdivision of such land without having submitted a plat for such subdivision for approval as required by this chapter and recorded the approved subdivision plat as required. If such unlawful use is made of a plat before it is properly approved and recorded, the owner of such land shall be subject to the penalties as provided for in this chapter. The county may, among other remedies, also seek an injunction against such transfers or sales. Failure to comply with the provisions of this chapter shall not impair the title of land so transferred or affect the validity of the title conveyed. However, a purchaser of land sold in violation of this chapter shall, within one year from the date of purchase thereof, be entitled to bring an appropriate action to avoid such sale or to bring action against the seller for any damages which he suffers as a result of the seller's unlawful act or both. No permits for the construction of any building or other facility will be issued by the county to the owner of such lands until a plat is filed in accordance with this regulation.

(Ord. No. 91-22, § 1, 6-13-91)