Sec. 25.5-1. Regulation - of signs—Purpose and intent.  

Latest version.
  • The purposes of these sign regulations are: to encourage the effective use of signs as a means of communication in Hernando County; to maintain and enhance the aesthetic environment and maintain the county's ability to attract sources of economic development and growth; to improve vehicular and pedestrian traffic and safety; to minimize the possible adverse effects of signs on nearby public and private property; to enable the fair and consistent enforcement of these sign regulations; and to support the policies contained in the comprehensive plan pertaining to signage. By enacting these regulations, the board of county commissioners hereby specifically intends that each and every section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, list element or word shall be severable; and that the elimination of any one or more of said portions of these regulations shall have no effect on the validity and enforceability of all other provisions hereof. The board further specifies and directs its intent that, in any judicial construction of these regulations, as to the whole or any portion thereof, it shall be presumed that each and every section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, list or word herein would have been enacted without regard to whether or not any other such provisions were or were not valid or otherwise included herein. It is further the intent of the board that these regulations shall allow the maximum amount of expression or speech consistent with the compatibility of such expression or speech with other land uses and with the aesthetic and public health, safety and welfare concerns which the board is charged by law and the Florida Constitution with preserving and protecting.

(Ord. No. 2008-03, § 1, 2-5-08)