§ 23-213. Permitting requirements for docks.  

Latest version.
  • The following requirements shall apply to docks:


    Docking facilities shall be designed to prevent or minimize impacts to grassbeds and other biologically productive bottom habitats.


    No water-dependent structure including mooring pilings shall extend waterward of the mean low-water line more than twenty (20) percent of the width of the water body at that particular location. If the distance is greater than the Marine Construction Code, the Marine Construction Code standards will apply.


    If a dock is constructed adjacent to a bulkhead, the dock shall not extend more than twenty (20) percent of the width of the channel as measured from the bulkhead. If the distance is greater than the Marine Construction Code, the Maine Construction Code standards will apply.


    Main access docks shall be limited to a maximum width of four (4) feet for single-family residences and six (6) feet for private multifamily residences and commercial use.


    Terminal platform size shall be no more than one hundred thirty (130) square feet and the maximum dimension shall not exceed sixteen (16) feet.


    Dredging to obtain navigable water depths in conjunction with new docks is prohibited.


    Docks shall only be approved in locations having adequate water depths in the vessel mooring, turning basin, access channels, and other such areas which will accommodate the proposed vessel's use in order to ensure that a minimum of one (1) foot clearance is provided between the deepest draft of the vessel and the bottom at mean low water. A water depth of minus three feet (-3) mean low water must be provided for mooring a vessel at a dock.


    Finger piers shall not exceed four (4) feet in width.


    No more than two (2) tie pilings per single-family dock may be utilized.


    Erosion-control measures shall be used during dock construction to prevent impacts to the landward/waterward interface.


    Mooring structures are limited to no more than one (1) dock per sixty-five (65) linear feet of river front and no more than one (1) dock per lot.


    Single-family docks shall be less than five hundred (500) square feet.


    Structures shall be installed in such a way as to minimize alterations to the natural features of the landscape.


    An applicant may request a variance from the board of county commissioners if the requirements of this section infringe upon the riparian rights of the property owner.

(Ord. No. 90-17, § 13, 8-23-90)