§ 23-180. Standards for addressing.  

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  • (a)

    Units on which addresses are to be posted. Addresses shall be posted for all single-unit buildings, for all multiple-unit buildings or for all subunits of a multiple-unit building.


    Posting standards for single-unit buildings. Posting of address numbers for single-unit buildings shall conform to the following standards:


    The address number shall be affixed horizontally in a conspicuous place on the principal building so that the number is clearly legible from the roadway on which it is addressed.


    If the distance from the roadway on which a principal building is addressed, configuration of the principal building or obstructions such as fences, trees or walls would limit visibility of the principal building from the roadway, the address number shall be posted horizontally at least four (4) feet above ground level in a conspicuous place located two (2) feet off the side of the driveway or property entrance. Such place may include, but is not limited to, fences, fence posts, or freestanding signs and such number shall be clearly legible from the roadway and not posted as to be confused with address numbers posted for nearby parcels. Freestanding signs must be outside all public rights-of-way.


    In cases where one or more single-unit buildings without frontage on the roadway on which they are addressed are served by one or more access roadways which are not a part of the same properties, address numbers shall be posted horizontally at least four (4) feet above ground level in a conspicuous place located two (2) feet off the side or near the beginning of such access roadway connecting to the roadway on which such buildings are addressed in addition to posting the address number on the buildings or property entrances. Such place may include, but is not limited to, fences, fence posts, or freestanding signs and such numbers shall be clearly legible from the roadway on which such buildings are addressed. Freestanding signs must be outside all public rights-of-way.


    Posting standards when more than two residences or parcels are accessed from an easement or right-of-way. When more than two (2) residences or parcels are accessed from an easement or legal right-of-way, the easement or right-of-way shall be named, signed and numbered in accordance with the county's roadway naming and addressing system.


    Posting standards for multiple-unit buildings. The posting of address numbers and other subunit identification for multiple-unit buildings shall conform to the following standards:


    The address number of a multiple-unit building shall be affixed horizontally in a conspicuous place on the principal building so that the number is clearly legible from the roadway on which it is addressed.


    In case of multiple-unit buildings where each individual subunit is addressed, addresses shall be affixed horizontally in a conspicuous place at the entrance of each subunit so that the number is clearly legible from the roadway on which it is addressed.


    If the distance from the roadway, configuration of the principal building or obstruction such as fences, trees or walls would limit visibility of the principal building or the entrances of any of its subunits from the roadway on which it or they were addressed, the address number or address range of the individually addressed subunits shall be posted horizontally at least four (4) feet above ground level in a conspicuous place located two (2) feet off the side of the driveway or property entrance. Such place may include, but is not limited to, fences, fence posts or freestanding signs and such numbers shall be clearly legible from the roadway and not posted as to be confused with the address number posted for nearby parcels or buildings. Freestanding signs must be outside all public rights-of-way.


    In cases of multiple-unit buildings with one address, each subunit shall be identified by a system of subunit identification using numbers, letters or both. Subunit identification shall be affixed horizontally at the entrance of each subunit. These addresses shall not be moved or altered and serve as a permanent address unless changed by the department.


    Posting of address or other subunit identification ranges shall be required within or around multiple-unit buildings if the entrances of any subunits of such buildings are not visible from the roadway on which they are addressed. Posting such ranges shall be completed to the satisfaction of the department in order to provide adequate direction to such subunits. Ranges shall be affixed to the principal building or on a freestanding sign horizontally in a conspicuous place at least four (4) feet above ground level and visible from the access roadway.


    Posting standards for mobile home parks. Posting address numbers for mobile home parks shall conform to the following standards:


    Mobile home park with county-named roadways shall have the address number displayed horizontally on each mobile home in accordance with this section.


    In mobile home parks where one roadway address is assigned for the park, the park's address shall be displayed at the park entrance and lot numbers shall be affixed horizontally to each mobile home according to the standards for address numbers provided for in this section.


    Mobile home parks with more than one roadway shall be named and addressed according to the roadway naming and addressing standard.


    Posting of address or other lot number identification ranges shall be required within or around mobile home parks if the entrances of any mobile homes of such parks are not visible from the roadway on which they are addressed. Posting such ranges shall be completed to department standards in order to provide adequate direction to such mobile home. Ranges shall be affixed to the principal building or on a freestanding sign horizontally in a conspicuous place at least four (4) feet above ground level and visible from the access roadway. Freestanding signs must be outside all public rights-of-way.


    New construction. In the case of new construction, the building permit holder shall be responsible for completing all necessary requirements in accordance with this section prior to obtaining a certificate of occupancy. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any principal building until the building permit holder has procured the official address number for the premises and displayed same.


    Type, color and size. Numbers used in addresses, lot numbers, unit identifications and all such ranges shall be Arabic numerals. Letters used in unit identifications and such ranges shall be standard capital letters. Both numbers and letters shall be in a color contrasting with the structure or background surface and not be less than six (6) inches in height for commercial and (4) inches for residential properties.


    Removal of confusing numbers. Any different numbers which might be mistaken for or confused with the official number assigned by the department shall be removed.

(Ord. No. 94-03, § 5, 2-22-94; Ord. No. 2004-02, § 5, 1-6-04)