§ 23-158. Additional regulations regarding planning and development within I-75/SR 50 PDD.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    For all residential developments with fifty (50) or more dwelling units or commercial developments with sixty-five thousand (65,000) gross square feet of commercial space, the property owner must go through the Planned Development Project (PDP) process set forth in article VI of the zoning code.


    For all residential developments with one hundred (100) or more dwelling units or commercial developments in excess of two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) gross square feet, the property owner and the county shall enter into a development agreement or development order prior to the county issuing conditional plat approval (if applicable), site plan approval or a building permit for vertical construction, whichever occurs first, shall address the following:


    Incorporate all requirements contained in subsection (a) above;


    The amount and timing of all pipeline advances;


    A provision for the donation of all required right-of-way within the development;


    A description and estimated value of all pipeline donations and a schedule for when land will be transferred to the county and/or the HCSD and manner of the transfer ( i.e. by warranty deed, plat);


    A description and estimated value of all pipeline improvements and the timing for such improvements;


    A statement as to when impacts fees and impact fee surcharges become non-refundable and a statement when impact fee funds may be expended by the county/HCSD;


    A description of the size and amenities of any park intended to be located within the proposed development pursuant to Typical Neighborhood Community Standards ;


    A description of how the development will interrelate with and/or connect to other surrounding developments in terms of vehicle and pedestrian access points, sidewalks, bikeways, trails and the like;


    A statement of allowed land uses, densities and intensities which the county agrees to recognize, and whether there are any rights running with the land;


    A statement of whether concurrency has been or will be satisfied as to each concurrency category ( i.e. schools, parks, roads, public capital facilities) based on the land uses, densities and intensities above; and,


    A statement of whether the property owner and the county has or will be entering into a separate water and sewer agreement addressing water and sewer supply and connection.

(Ord. No. 2007-16, § 1, 9-12-07)