§ 23-154. Payment of impact fee surcharge; establishment of impact fee surcharge trust funds accounts.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The property owner shall pay all impact fee surcharges required by this division to the county administrator prior to the issuance of a building permit.


    All funds collected shall be properly identified as impact fee surcharge funds and promptly transferred for deposit in the respective impact fee surcharge trust fund account to be held in separate accounts and used solely for the respective facilities within or for the benefit of the overlay district/expanded overlay district in accordance with this division.


    There are hereby established separate impact fee surcharge trust fund accounts for: parks impact fee surcharges, public capital facilities impact fee surcharges (and further segregated as the library impact fee surcharges; the buildings impact fee surcharges, and the law enforcement impact fee surcharges); and the roads impact fee surcharges. The foregoing shall be maintained by the county for the purposes set forth in this division. The educational facilities impact fee surcharge trust fund account shall be maintained by the HCSD for the purposes set forth in this division.


    Funds withdrawn from impact fee surcharge trust fund accounts must be used in accordance with this division.

(Ord. No. 2007-16, § 1, 9-12-07)