§ 23-138. Computation of the amount of roads impact fees.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    At the option of the feepayer, the amount of the fee may be determined by the schedule set forth below. The reference in the schedule to square feet refers to the gross square footage of each floor of a building measured to the exterior walls and not usable, interior, rentable, non-common or other forms of net square footage.


    ITE LUC Land Use Unit Net Impact Fee @22% (1)
    210 Single-Family/Mobile Home (Detached) du $1,269.00
    220 Multi-Family (Apartment) du 822.00
    230 Residential Condominium/Townhouse du 716.00
    240 Mobile Home Park du 467.00
    251 Retirement Community/Age-Restricted du 414.00
    253 Congregate Care Facility du 121.00
    310 Hotel room 644.00
    320 Motel room 455.00
    416 Recreational Vehicle Park site 181.00
    420 Marina berth 433.00
    430 Golf Course acre 737.00
    444 Movie Theater with Matinee screen 4,884.00
    492 Health/Fitness Club 1,000 sf 3,889.00
    520 Elementary School (Private) student 107.00
    522 Middle School (Private) student 150.00
    530 High School (Private) student 161.00
    540 University (7,500 or fewer students) (Private) student 293.00
    550 University (more than 7,500 students) (Private) student 220.00
    565 Day Care 1,000 sf 2,480.00
    610 Hospital 1,000 sf 1,655.00
    620 Nursing Home bed 149.00
    630 Clinic 1,000 sf 3,841.00
    710 General Office 100,000 sf or less 1,000 sf 1,516.00
    710 General Office 100,001—200,000 sf 1,000 sf 1,284.00
    710 General Office greater than 200,000 sf 1,000 sf 1,087.00
    720 Medical Office 10,000 sf or less 1,000 sf 2,875.00
    720 Medical Office greater than 10,000 sf 1,000 sf 4,190.00
    812 Building Materials and Lumber Store 1,000 sf 5,134.00
    813 Discount Superstore 1,000 sf 6,761.00
    816 Hardware/Paint Store 1,000 sf 1,244.00
    820 General Commercial Center 50,000 sfgla or less 1,000 sfgla 2,100.00
    820 General Commercial Center greater than 50,000 1,000 sfgla 1,844.00
    841 New/Used Auto Sales 1,000 sf 2,396.00
    850 Supermarket 1,000 sf 2,812.00
    853 Convenience Market w/Gas Pumps 1,000 sf 9,206.00
    862 Home Improvement Superstore 1,000 sf 1,167.00
    880/88 Pharmacy/Drug Store w/Drive-Thru 1,000 sf 1,492.00
    890 Furniture Store 1,000 sf 409.00
    912 Bank/Savings Drive-In 1,000 sf 4,257.00
    931 Quality Restaurant 1,000 sf 5,271.00
    932 High-Turnover Restaurant 1,000 sf 6,283.00
    934 Fast Food Rest. w/Drive-Thru 1,000 sf 17,397.00
    942 Automobile Care Center 1,000 sf 1,971.00
    944 Service Station fuel pos. 1,708.00
    947 Self-Service Car Wash wash station 1,525.00
    n/a Convenience/Gasoline/Fast Food w/Drive-Thru 1,000 sf 19,804.00
    110 General Light Industrial 1,000 sf 806.00
    120 General Heavy Industrial 1,000 sf 173.00
    130 Industrial Park 1,000 sf 788.00
    140 Manufacturing 1,000 sf 440.00
    150 Warehousing 1,000 sf 412.00
    151 Mini-Warehouse 1,000 sf 146.00


    (1) The new impact fee rates shall apply to all building permits and certificates of use issued after the stated effective date. Building permit and certificate of use applications which are in process but not yet issued shall be subject to the impact fee rates in effect at the time the building permit or certificate of use is actually issued by the county, unless excepted pursuant to the process in exhibit B [of the ordinance from which this schedule derived]. A limited exception process to the application of the new fees is provided for in exhibit B of the ordinance [from which this schedule derived]; failure to timely utilize the stated exception process before the deadline is a jurisdictional defect prohibiting any subsequent challenge to the fee.


    If a building permit or certificate of use is requested for a building with mixed uses, then the fee shall be determined according to the above schedule by apportioning the space committed to uses specified on the schedule.


    For applications for an extension of a building permit, the amount of the fee is the difference between the fee then applicable and any amount already paid pursuant to this division.


    If the type of development activity for which a building permit or certificate of use is applied is not specified on the above fee schedule, the county administrator or his designee shall use the fee applicable to the most nearly comparable type of land use on the above fee schedule. The county administrator or his designee shall be guided in the selection of a comparable type by the reports titled Trip Generation: An Informational Report, Institute of Transportation Engineers (latest edition) and studies or reports done by the United States Department of Transportation, the State of Florida Department of Transportation, the Hernando County Public Works Department, and articles or reports appearing in the ITE Journal. If the county administrator or his designee determines that there is no comparable type of land use on the above fee schedule, then the county administrator or his designee shall determine the fee by (a) using traffic generation statistics from the above-named sources, and (b) applying the formula set forth in paragraph (b) of this section.


    In the case of change of use, redevelopment, or modification of an existing use which may or may not require the issuance of a building permit, the roads impact fee shall be based upon the net increase in the impact fee for the new use as compared to the previous use. However, should the change of use, redevelopment or modification result in a net decrease, no refunds or credits for past impact fees paid shall be made or created. The county administrator or his designee shall be guided in this determination by the above-named sources.


    If a feepayer shall opt not to have the impact fee determined according to paragraph (a) of this section, then the feepayer shall prepare and submit to the county administrator or his designee an independent fee calculation study for the land development activity for which a building permit or change of use is sought. The independent fee calculation study shall measure the impact of the development in question on the road system by following the prescribed methodologies and formats for the study established by the county administrative code. Any adjustment to the fees in the schedule contained in subsection (a) may only be based upon impact or use characteristics that are expected to exist throughout the expected life of the structure and may not be based upon temporary or transitory use characteristics. The traffic engineering and/or economic documentation submitted, which will require a pre-application meeting with the county administrator or his designee, shall show the basis upon which the independent fee calculation was made, including, but not limited to, the following:


    Traffic engineering studies:


    Documentation of trip generation rates appropriate for the proposed land development activity;


    Documentation of trip length appropriate for the proposed land development activity; and


    Documentation of trip data appropriate for the proposed land development activity.


    Cost documentation studies. Documentation of the cost per lane per mile for roadway construction and right-of-way costs appropriate for the proposed land development activity, including, but not limited to, the costs of mitigating environmental impacts; the construction of access roads, where required by the county, bridges, interchanges, intersections, and drainage facilities; and the costs of design, engineering and planning.

    This documentation shall be prepared and presented by qualified professionals in their respective fields and shall follow best professional practices and methodologies. The following formula shall be used by the county administrator or his designee to determine the roads impact fee per unit of development:


    New Lane Miles = [(Generation rate x average trip length x % new trips)/lane service volume at level of service d]/2


    Cost = New lane miles x cost per lane mile


    Net Cost = Cost-gas tax credit


    Impact Fee = Net cost

(Ord. No. 86-29, § 6, 10-28-86; Ord. No. 93-8, § 6, 3-25-93; Ord. No. 96-11, § 6, 7-16-96; Ord. No. 97-3, § 6, 7-7-97; Ord. No. 01-18, § 6, 10-23-01; Ord. No. 2005-05, § 18, 6-2-05; Ord. No. 2009-14, § 8, 11-10-09; Ord. No. 2010-26, § 5, 11-9-10; Ord. No. 2011-20, § 8, 11-15-11; Ord. No. 2012-13, § I(Exh. E), 11-13-12; Ord. No. 2013-5, § I, 1-22-13; Ord. No. 2013-13, § I(Exh. A), 4-23-13, eff. 6-12-15; Ord. No. 2014-16, § 1, 8-12-14; Ord. No. 2015-07, § 1(Exh. A), 5-12-15, eff. 3-1-16)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 2015-07, § 1, adopted May 12, 2015, states the schedule of roads impact fees as set out herein are effective March 1, 2016.