§ 23-69. Computation of the amount of educational facilities impact fee.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    At the option of the feepayer, the amount of the fee may be determined by the following fee schedule.


    Land Use Type Impact Fee
    Single-family, detached $4,266.00 $0.00 $2,133.00
    Single-family, attached 3,255.00 0.00 1,628.00
    Multifamily 3,360.00 0.00 1,680.00
    Mobile home, parcel 4,266.00 0.00 2,133.00
    Mobile home, park 3,822.00 0.00 955.00
    Other residential 4,266.00 0.00 2,133.00


     The new impact fee rates shall apply to all building permits issued after the stated effective date; building permits applications which are in process but not yet issued shall be subject to the impact fee rates in effect at the time the building permit is actually issued by the county.

     Maximum rate justified by Hernando County Educational Facilities Impact Fee update study prepared by Tindale Oliver and Associates on September 30, 2013.

    If the type of residential development activity a building permit is applied for is not specified on the above fee schedule, the county administrator or his designee shall use the fee applicable to the most nearly comparable type of land use on the above fee schedule.


    If a feepayer contends the fees in the schedule contained in paragraph (a) above do not accurately reflect the impact of his/her development on the need for educational facilities in the county, the feepayer may present evidence in support of his/her contention to the school board of the county, which may vary the fee by the amount necessary to properly reflect the true impact of the proposed development. Upon receipt of written notice of any such action by the school board, the county or the respective municipality shall adjust the fee payable accordingly. Any such adjustment to the fees in the schedule contained in subsection (a) may only be based upon impact or use characteristics that are expected to exist throughout the expected life of the structure and may not be based upon temporary or transitory use characteristics.

(Ord. No. 86-26, § 6, 10-28-86; Ord. No. 93-7, § 6, 3-25-93; Ord. No. 96-15, § 6, 7-16-96; Ord. No. 97-15, § 6, 7-7-97; Ord. No. 01-16, § 6, 10-23-01; Ord. No. 2005-05, § 9, 6-2-05; Ord. No. 2009-14, § 2, 11-10-09; Ord. No. 2010-26, § 2, 11-9-10; Ord. No. 2011-20, § 3, 11-15-11; Ord. No. 2012-13, § I(Exh. B), 11-13-12; Ord. No. 2013-6, § I, 1-22-13; Ord. No. 2013-27, § I, 10-8-13; Ord. No. 2014-7, § I(Exh. A), 3-11-14; Ord. No. 2015-08, § I(Exh. A), 5-12-15)