§ 22-7. Preservation of property.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    No person shall willfully mark, deface, damage, displace, destroy, remove, or tamper with any buildings, facilities, bridges, piers, tables, benches, railings, paving or paving materials, water lines or other utilities, permanent or temporary signs, placards, or notices, monuments, stakes, posts, gateways, locks, fencing, boundary markers, or other structures, equipment or county property.


    No unauthorized person shall move or remove from any park property such as any beach sand whether submerged or not, or any soil, rock, stones, trees, shrubs, plants, artifacts, seeds, flowers, fruits or nuts.


    No unauthorized person shall cut, carve, or injure the bark, or break off limbs or branches or mutilate in any way, or pick the flowers, fruits, seeds, or nuts of any tree or plant, nor shall any person dig in or otherwise disturb the grass areas, or in any other way injure or impair the natural beauty or usefulness of any park property, nor shall they pile debris or material of any kind on or about any tree or plant, or attach any rope, wire, or other contrivance to any tree or plant, whether temporary or permanent in character or use.


    No unauthorized person shall make any search, excavation by tool, equipment, blasting, or other means or agency. Metal detectors are allowed with permission of the director.


    No person shall construct or erect any buildings or structures of whatever kind whether permanent or temporary in character, or run or string any public service utility into, upon or across such lands, except on special written permit and by authority of the county administrator.


    No person shall transplant or remove any tree or plant or parts thereof, or collect or remove flowers, except that scientists or students of botany may procure from the director special permission to collect plant specimens.


    No person shall use tacks, nails, staples or other items that penetrate wood on shelters, signs, trees, etc.


    No person shall stand, or sit on any structure not intended for such use in any park or parkway.


    No unauthorized person shall enter or occupy or use in any manner any lifeguard stand or station, or any lifeguard vessel, surfboard, or other lifesaving equipment at any time.


    Preservation of archaeological and historic sites: no person shall excavate, disturb or remove any historic or prehistoric cultural artifacts, nor any bones, shells, or geological specimens on land owned or managed by the county, except as part of an authorized and designated study for scientific, documentation or research purposes, and only with written permission from the county administrator. Scientific evaluation excavation of any designated or non-designated archaeological site may not be conducted without a state permit.

(Ord. No. 2006-01, § 7, 1-24-06)