§ 22-22. Skate parks.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    In view of the unique nature of the uses and users of the skate park presently provided by the county, the director or his designee is hereby authorized to post and enforce the following rules for such existing park and any future parks or park facilities devoted to such use:


    All skaters must skate safely and responsibly. No skater may enter a designated skate park when it is already being used to capacity. When skaters are waiting to enter, a time limit of twenty (20) minutes per person shall be imposed.


    All children under twelve (12) years of age who wish to utilize a designated skate park must be accompanied by an adult. No non-skaters may enter the park unless accompanying an underage child.


    The hours of the operation for a skate park will be from 7:00 a.m. to sunset or as may be otherwise posted for skate parks equipped with night lighting. Any person attempting to use a skate park during any other time shall be subject to immediate ejection, in addition to any other penalties provided in this article.


    A skate park is for in-line skates and skateboards only. No other use is permitted in or upon the premises of a skate park whatsoever.


    Use of profanity, or abusive or vulgar language, while on skate ark premises shall be a basis for immediate ejection.


    No skating is permitted when surfaces are wet or icy.


    No alcohol shall be permitted at a skate park. No glass containers shall be permitted


    No unnecessarily loud music shall be permitted at a skate park. The phrase "unnecessarily loud music" means amplified sound that is plainly audible from private property beyond the boundaries of a skate park or adjacent public road rights-of-way.


    In addition to the penalties otherwise provided herein or elsewhere in the Hernando County Code of Ordinances for violations of provisions of the code, violation of any skate park rules shall subject the violator to ejection from the park for the remainder of the day. A second violation within one seven-day week shall subject the violator to expulsion from any skate park for a period of one seven-day week. A third violation within one calendar month shall subject the violator to permanent expulsion from any skate park. Any ejection or expulsion pursuant hereto shall constitute a warning that return to the premises during the period specified herein may be punishable as a trespass.

(Ord. No. 2006-01, § 22, 1-24-06)