§ 19-33. Monitoring.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Annual report.


    After issuance of the mining operation plan approval (MOPA) or the master mining plan approval (MAMPA) and up to the time of final completion and release of all securities by the county, the applicant shall submit, on or before each April first during the term of the approval, twelve (12) copies of the annual status report for the previous calendar year to the development department.


    The report shall give the status of the approved project, including the following:


    The number of acres mined during the preceding one-year period, the depths of mining, and the areas mined.


    The deviations or consistency of the mining with the terms and conditions of the master mining plan and the mining operation plan.


    The number of acres reclaimed, including a detailed report of reclamation, number and types of vegetation planted, and the consistency of the reclamation to the submitted reclamation plan.


    The annual report shall include a statement relative to the previously submitted schedules, and a detail of future schedules. Any variance from previous schedules submitted for the respective approval should be documented and reasons stated for the variance.


    Property sold from the original tract or any contiguous property acquired.


    A list of all local, state and federal permits obtained during the previous twelve-month period.


    The department staff shall review the annual status report for compliance with the issued master mining plan approval (MAMPA) and the mining operation plan approval (MOPA). Copies of the report shall be submitted to the board of county commissioners (B.C.C.), the planning department, the county administrator, and other agencies requesting a copy. Thirty (30) days following receipt of the report in the county administrator's office, the report shall be placed on the B.C.C.'s consent agenda. Failure to file a timely annual report or to knowingly falsify an annual report shall be grounds for the department to seek suspension of the approval.

(Ord. No. 93-13, § B-3, 6-29-93)