§ 18-26. Revocation criteria and procedures.  

Latest version.
  • Revocation of previously issued certificates requires due process procedures including adequate notice and an opportunity to be heard. The county may initiate revocation upon written notice to the owner or designated physician which details the alleged violations of this article. After a due process hearing conducted in a manner consistent with section 18-24, and upon the demonstration to a hearing officer by competent substantial evidence that a violation of this article has occurred, including specifically any violation of the provisions in section 18-23 or any serious or continuing violations of provisions of section 18-25, the county may revoke a pain management clinic registration certificate. The full costs of revocation enforcement action shall be paid by the holder of the registration certificate. Nothing herein prohibits the voluntary relinquishment of a registration certificate in lieu of a revocation proceeding.

(Ord. No. 2012-7, § II, 6-12-12)