§ 13-31. Information for development in flood hazard areas.  

Latest version.
  • The site plan or construction documents for any development subject to the requirements of this chapter shall be drawn to scale and shall include, as applicable to the proposed development:


    Delineation of flood hazard areas, floodway boundaries and flood zone(s), base flood elevation(s), and ground elevations if necessary for review of the proposed development.


    Where base flood elevations, or floodway data are not included on the FIRM or in the flood insurance study, they shall be established in accordance with subsection 13-32(2) or (3) of this chapter.


    Where the parcel on which the proposed development will take place will have more than fifty (50) lots or is larger than five (5) acres and the base flood elevations are not included on the FIRM or in the flood insurance study, such elevations shall be established in accordance with subsection 13-32(1) of this chapter.


    Location of the proposed activity and proposed structures, and locations of existing buildings and structures; in coastal high hazard areas, new buildings and structures shall be located landward of the reach of mean high tide.


    For new construction and improvements located in a flood hazard area, owners shall record a declaration of land restriction (non-conversion agreement) for proposed development that includes (1) enclosures below elevated buildings; (2) crawl/under-floor spaces that are more than four (4) feet in height; (3) detached accessory structures that are not elevated and are larger than three hundred (300) square feet in area (footprint); (4) attached garages; and (5) nonresidential farm buildings on farms. The non-conversion agreement shall be on the deed of the property recorded in the land records and certifies, accepts, and declares that the covenants, conditions, and restrictions stated in the non-conversion agreement are placed on the affected property as a condition of granting the permit, and affects rights and obligations of the owner and shall be binding on the owner, his heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns.


    Location, extent, amount, and proposed final grades of any filling, grading, or excavation.


    The minimum elevation requirements, which shall be as specified in ASCE 24 or the base flood elevation plus one (1) foot (three hundred five (305) mm), whichever is higher.


    Where the placement of fill is proposed, the amount, type, and source of fill material; compaction specifications; a description of the intended purpose of the fill areas; certification from a licensed Florida professional engineer that proposed fill meets the requirements of section 13-65 and will not increase the base flood elevation as required by section 13-65; and evidence that the proposed fill areas are the minimum necessary to achieve the intended purpose. There shall be no fill used as structural support in coastal high hazard areas.


    Evidence that the interior portion of an enclosed area below the lowest horizontal supporting member (floor beam) of an elevated building is not partitioned off into separated rooms.


    Delineation of the coastal construction control line or notation that the site is seaward of the coastal construction control line, if applicable.


    Extent of any proposed alteration of sand dunes or mangrove stands, provided such alteration is approved by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.


    Existing and proposed alignment of any proposed alteration of a watercourse.

    The floodplain administrator is authorized to waive the submission of site plans, construction documents, and other data that are required by this chapter but that are not required to be prepared by a registered design professional if it is found that the nature of the proposed development is such that the review of such submissions is not necessary to ascertain compliance with this chapter.

(Ord. No. 2014-1, § III, 1-28-14)