§ 10-27. Prohibited plant species.  

Latest version.
  • The following invasive-exotic plant species or any additional species listed in the current or any updated version of the IFAS Assessment of the Status of Non-native Plants in Florida's Natural Areas are not to be used for installed plantings:


    Alternanthera philoxeroides—Alligator Weed


    Causuaria cunninghamiana—Australian Pine


    Casuarina equisetifolia—Australian Pine


    Casuarina glauca—Suckering Australian Pine


    Cupaniopsis anacardioides—Carrotwood


    Dioscorea alata—Winged Yam


    Dioscorea bulbifera—Air Potato


    Eichhornia crassipes—Water Hyacinth


    Hydrilla verticillata—Hydrilla


    Hygrophila polysperma—Green Hygro


    Imperata cylindrica—Cogon Grass


    Ipomoea aquatica—Water Spinach


    Lygodium japonicum—Japanese Climbing Fern


    Lygodium microphyllum—Old World Climbing Fern


    Melaleuca quinquenervia—Melaleuca


    Mimosa pigra—Catclaw Mimosa


    Myriophyllum spicatum—Eurasian Watermilfoil


    Neyraudia reynaudiana—Burma Reed


    Paederia cruddasiana—Sewer Vine


    Paederia foetida—Skunk Vine


    Pistia stratiotes—Water Lettuce


    Pueraria montana—Kudzu Vine


    Rhodomyrtus tomentosa—Downy Rose Myrtle


    Sapium sebiferum—Chinese Tallow


    Schinus terebinthifolius—Brazilian Pepper


    Solanum tampicense—Wetland Nightshade


    Solanum torvum—Susumber


    Solanum viarum—Tropical Soda Apple

(Ord. No. 2008-02, § 12, 1-15-08)