§ 10.5-75. District board of supervisors.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    [ Governing board. ] The board shall be the governing board of the district. The board shall exercise the powers granted to the district pursuant to this division and Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, as amended from time to time, and pursuant to any other applicable law.


    The board shall consist of five (5) members; except as otherwise provided herein or in section 190.006, Florida Statutes, as amended from time to time, each member shall hold office for a term of four (4) years, until a successor is chosen and qualifies. The members of the board must be residents of the state and citizens of the United States.


    The five (5) persons designated to serve as the initial members of the board are those persons identified in Exhibit D to the petition herein, on file in the records of Hernando County, as follows: Betty D. Valenti, Bill Devasher, Scott Torrie, Norman Cook, and Shawn Wilson.


    Unless specifically provided otherwise in this division, the provisions of section 190.006, Florida Statutes, as amended from time to time, shall apply to elections and compensation of board members and to meetings, organization and procedures of the board and the district.


    General duties of the board.


    The board shall employ, and fix the compensation of a manager for the district. The manager shall have charge and supervision of the works of the district and shall be responsible for preserving and maintaining any improvement or facilities constructed or erected pursuant to the provisions of this division or state statute, for maintaining and operating the equipment owned by the district, and for performing such other duties as may be prescribed by the board. It shall not be a conflict of interest under Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, for a board member or the manager or another employee of the district to be a stockholder, officer, or employee of a landowner. The manager may hire or otherwise employ and terminate the employment of such other persons, including without limitation, professional, supervisory, and clerical employees, as may be necessary and authorized by the board. The compensation and other conditions of employment of the officers and employees of the district shall be as provided by the board.


    The board shall designate a person who is a resident of the state as treasurer of the district, who shall have charge of the funds of the district. Such funds shall be disbursed only upon the order, or pursuant to the resolution, of the board by warrant the or check countersigned by the treasurer and by such other person as may be authorized by the board. The board may give the treasurer such other or additional powers and duties as the board may deem appropriate, and may fix his or her compensation. The board may require the treasurer to give a bond in such amount, on such terms, and with such sureties as may be deemed satisfactory to the board to secure the performances by the treasurer of his powers and duties. The financial records of the board shall be audited by an independent certified public accountant at least once a year.


    The board is authorized to select as a depository for its funds any qualified public depository as defined in (section 280.02, Florida Statutes, which meets all the requirements of Chapter 280, Florida Statutes, and has been designated by the treasurer as a qualified public depository, upon such terms and conditions as to the payment of interest by such depository upon the funds so deposited that the board may deem just and reasonable.

(Ord. No. 2007-21, § 5, 11-6-07)