§ 10.5-73. General and special powers.  

Latest version.
  • The district shall have all general and special powers as set forth in Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, and as provided in this division.


    General powers. The district shall have, and the district(s board of supervisors (hereinafter (board() may exercise the general powers granted to a community development district, pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, as amended from time to time, or pursuant to any other applicable law, except as may be limited herein. Such power shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following powers:


    To sue and be sued in the name of the district; to adopt and use a seal and authorize the use of a facsimile thereof; to acquire, by purchase, gift, devise, or otherwise, and to dispose of, real and personal property, or any estate therein; and to make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of its powers.


    To apply for coverage of its employees under the state retirement system in the same manner as if such employees were state employees, subject to necessary action by the district to pay employer contributions into the state retirement fund.


    To contract for the services of consultants to perform planning, engineering, legal, or other appropriate services of a professional nature. Such contracts shall be subject to public bidding or competitive negotiation requirements as set forth in section 190.033, Florida Statutes.


    To borrow money and accept gifts; to apply for and use grants or loans of money or other property from the United States, the state, a unit of local government, or any person for any district purposes and enter into agreements required in connection therewith; and to hold, use, and dispose of such moneys or property for any district purposes in accordance with the terms of the gift, grant, loan, or agreement relating thereto.


    To adopt rules and orders pursuant to the provisions of chapter 120 prescribing the powers, duties, and functions of the officers of the district; the conduct of the business of the district; the maintenance of records; and the form of certificates evidencing tax liens and all other documents and records of the district. The board may also adopt administrative rules with respect to any of the projects of the district and define the area to be included therein. The board may also adopt resolutions which may be necessary for the conduct of district business.


    To maintain an office at such place or places as it may designate within a county in which the district is located or within the boundaries of a development of regional impact or a Florida Quality Development, or a combination of a development of regional impact and a Florida Quality Development, which includes the district, which office must be reasonably accessible to the landowners. Meetings pursuant to section 189.417(3), Florida Statutes, of a district within the boundaries of a development of regional impact or Florida Quality Development, or a combination of a development of regional impact and a Florida Quality Development, may be held at such office.



    To hold, control, and acquire by donation, purchase, or condemnation, or dispose of, any public easements, dedications to public use, platted reservations for public purposes, or any reservations for those purposes authorized by this act and to make use of such easements, dedications, or reservations for any of the purposes authorized by this act.


    When real property in the district is owned by a governmental entity and subject to a ground lease as described in section 190.003(13), Florida Statutes, to collect ground rent from landowners pursuant to a contract with such governmental entity and to contract with the county tax collector for collection of such ground rent using the procedures authorized in section 197.3631, Florida Statutes, other than the procedures contained in section 197.3632, Florida Statutes.


    To lease as lessor or lessee to or from any person, firm, corporation, association, or body, public or private, any projects of the type that the district is authorized to undertake and facilities or property of any nature for the use of the district to carry out any of the purposes authorized by this act.


    To borrow money and issue bonds, certificates, warrants, notes, or other evidence of indebtedness as hereinafter provided; to levy such tax and special assessments as may be authorized; and to charge, collect, and enforce fees and other user charges.


    To raise, by user charges or fees authorized by resolution of the board, amounts of money which are necessary for the conduct of the district activities and services and to enforce their receipt and collection in the manner prescribed by resolution not inconsistent with law.


    To exercise within the district, or beyond the district with prior approval by resolution of the governing body of the county if the taking will occur in an unincorporated area or with prior approval by resolution of the governing body of the municipality if the taking will occur within a municipality, the right and power of eminent domain, pursuant to the provisions of chapters 73 and 74, over any property within the state, except municipal, county, state, and federal property, for the uses and purposes of the district relating solely to water, sewer, district roads, and water management, specifically including, without limitation, the power for the taking of easements for the drainage of the land of one person over and through the land of another.


    To cooperate with, or contract with, other governmental agencies as may be necessary, convenient, incidental, or proper in connection with any of the powers, duties, or purposes authorized by this act.


    To assess and impose upon lands in the district ad valorem taxes as provided by this act.


    To determine, order, levy, impose, collect, and enforce special assessments pursuant to this act and chapter 170, Florida Statutes. Such special assessments may, in the discretion of the district, be collected and enforced pursuant to the provisions of sections 197.3631, 197.3632, and 197.3635, or chapter 170, Florida Statutes.


    To exercise all of the powers necessary, convenient, incidental, or proper in connection with any of the powers, duties, or purposes authorized by this act.


    To exercise such special powers as may be authorized by this division.


    Special powers. Except as specifically restricted herein, the district shall have, and the board may exercise, subject to the regulatory jurisdiction and permitting authority of all applicable governmental bodies, agencies, and special districts having authority with respect to any area included therein, the power to finance, fund, plan, establish, acquire, construct or reconstruct, enlarge or extend, equip, operate, and maintain systems, facilities, and basic infrastructures for the following:


    Parks and facilities for indoor and outdoor recreational, cultural, and educational uses.


    Security, including, but not limited to, guardhouses, fences and gates, electronic intrusion-detection systems, and patrol cars, when authorized by proper governmental agencies; except that the district may not exercise any police power, but may contract with the appropriate local general-purpose government agencies for an increased level of such services within the district boundaries. and services, parking improvements, and related signage.


    The district possesses no zoning or development permitting power. All Hernando County planning, building, environmental, and land development laws, regulations, and ordinances apply to all development of land within the district. The district shall take no action which is inconsistent with the applicable comprehensive plan, ordinances, or regulations of Hernando County.

(Ord. No. 2007-21, § 3, 11-6-07)