§ 7. Land use restrictions.  

Latest version.
  • Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, no use may be made of land or water within Hernando County in such a manner as to create an airport hazard or compromise the health, safety, and welfare of any person on the ground. The following special requirements shall apply:


    Prohibited uses in the runway protection zone. The runway protection zone (RPZ) is an area at ground level prior to the threshold or beyond the runway end to enhance safety and protection of people and property on the ground. New incompatible uses or activities, or substantial modifications to existing incompatible uses within any runway protection zone (RPZ) are prohibited. Such uses include the following:






    Hospitals / inpatient treatment facilities / nursing homes.


    Educational facilities.


    Churches / places of worship.


    Storage of explosive materials.


    Uses that assemble large groups of people and/or other uses that could produce a major catastrophe as a result of an aircraft incident.


    Prohibited residential construction and educational facilities. New educational facilities and new residential construction shall be prohibited within an area contiguous to the airport measuring one-half the length of the longest runway on either side of and at the end of each runway centerline.


    Landfills. No landfills (as defined in F.S. 403.703) shall be permitted to be located as follows within the following areas:


    Within ten thousand (10,000) feet from the nearest point of any runway used or planned to be used by turbine aircraft.


    Within five thousand (5,000) feet from the nearest point of any runway used by only non-turbine aircraft.


    Outside the perimeters defined above in subsections 1) and 2), but still within the lateral limits of the civil airport imaginary surfaces defined in 14 C.F.R. s. 77.19.

    Where any landfill is located and constructed in a manner that attracts or sustains hazardous bird movements from feeding, water, or roosting areas into, or across, the runways or approach and departure patterns of aircraft, the landfill operator shall incorporate bird management techniques or other practices to minimize bird hazards to airborne aircraft.


    Visibility and glare. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, no use may be made on land or water within the county in such a manner as to interfere with the operation of airborne aircraft. The following special requirements shall apply:


    All lights or illumination used in conjunction with streets, parking, signs, or use of land and structures, shall be arranged and operated in such a manner that it is not misleading or dangerous to aircraft operating from the airport or in the vicinity thereof.


    No operations from any use shall produce smoke, glare, or other visual hazards within three (3) statute miles of any usable runway of the airport.


    No operations from any use in the county shall produce electronic interference with navigation signals or radio communication between the airport, air traffic controller and the aircraft.

(Ord. No. 2018-14, § 1, 8-28-18)