§ 4. General regulations for vehicles.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Off-street parking space and access:


    The required parking shall be provided in accordance with these standards for all buildings and uses established or developed under this code provided that:


    For multifamily projects which are dedicated to affordable housing as defined in section 420.0004, Florida Statutes, or workforce housing as defined in section 420.5095, Florida Statutes, as such statutes may be amended or renumbered from time to time, then the afore-stated minimum parking space requirements may be reduced by up to ten (10) percent of the total required. The burden shall be on the applicant to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the administrative official, through reasonable and appropriate documentation, that a reduction under this provision is warranted.


    Five (5) percent of the required parking may be bicycle and/or motorcycle parking as approved by the administrative official.


    The required parking may be reduced by ten (10) percent by the administrative official for the preservation of majestic or specimen trees as defined by the community appearance ordinance.


    The required parking may be reduced by ten (10) percent by the administrative official where a use provides for a county-approved bus stop or bus stop shelter.


    The required parking shall be on the same or contiguous property that is intended to serve the use. Alternative locations may be approved by the administrative official provided the alternative location is within four hundred (400) feet of the use it is intended to serve.


    Generally, where multiple uses are present, parking shall be provided on the basis of the sum of the required parking for each use. However; three (3) or more commercial uses in one (1) building or on one (1) site shall be classified as a shopping center, regardless of use, for the purposes of meeting the parking standards of this code.


    Any existing use without conforming off-street parking shall not be required to conform with the requirements of this ordinance at the time of a change of use. Expansions or additions to the primary structure will require conformance with the parking requirements of this section.


    Where the required parking is greater than the number of spaces needed the administrative official may reduce the required parking based upon a parking study. Said study shall be based upon available planning and engineering data from professionally accepted sources or field studies.


    The required parking shall be constructed to county parking lot standards, provided that:


    Places of public assembly, public and private schools offering academic courses, and noncommercial amusement facilities may have up to fifty (50) percent of the parking spaces (including aisles) surfaced with grass, lawn or other materials for permanent, reserve parking; however, if parking demand is such that said grass, lawn or other material is caused to be damaged or destroyed to the extent that said grass or lawn ceases to grow, or the other material otherwise causes a nuisance to the neighborhood, then paving or repair of the damaged or destroyed area may be required by the administrative official;


    Stadiums, arenas and other such similar facilities utilized in a intermittent, occasional manner may have all nonemployee parking spaces (excluding aisles) surfaced with grass, lawn or other materials for permanent reserve parking; however, if parking demand is such that said grass, lawn or other material is caused to be damaged or destroyed to the extent that said grass or lawn ceases to grow, or the other material otherwise causes a nuisance to the neighborhood, then paving of such an area in accordance with this section may be required by the administrative official;


    The parking for congregate care homes facilities and community residential homes of greater than six (6) residents may be surfaced with grass or lawn with the exception of handicap accessible parking; however, if parking demand is such that said grass or lawn is caused to be damaged or destroyed to the extent that said grass or lawn ceases to grow, then paving of such an area in accordance with this section may be required by the county administrative official.


    Parking for seasonal uses or uses not active on a daily basis surfaced with grass, lawn or other materials approved by the administrative official.


    Single-family detached residential dwellings shall not be required to provide paved parking spaces or access except for driveway aprons required by the county.


    Parking for home occupations and community residential homes of six (6) or fewer residents shall be based upon the required parking for residential uses.


    Alternative paving materials including, but not limited to, gravel, millings, porous concrete, shell, stabilized vegetation, and pervious parking areas may be approved by the administrative official based upon certification from a professional engineer that the use/intensity and frequency of use on the alternative paving material will not contribute to erosion or sedimentation.


    The required parking shall have a landscaped separation as provided for and contained in the standards set forth in the community appearance ordinance.


    Minimum off-street parking space requirements for trucks or other company vehicles shall be one (1) space for every vehicle operated by the establishment on the premises.


    When units or measurements determining the number of required off-street parking spaces result in the requirement of a fractional space, then a fraction having a value equal to or greater than one-half (½) shall be construed to be the next higher number of parking spaces.


    Minimum off-street parking space requirements shall be as follows:

    Parking Ratios

    Use Standard of Measurement
    Residential 2.0 per unit
    Multifamily 1.5 per unit for one and two bedrooms/2.0 for three or more bedrooms
    B&B, Lodging or Boarding House 1.0 per unit
    Retail 4.0 per 1,000 GFA
    Shopping Center 4.0 per 1,000 GFA
    Furniture Store 2.0 per 1,000 GFA
    Flea Market 2.0 per vending booth
    Personal, Domestic and Business Services 4.0 per 1,000 GFA
    General Office 3.5 per 1,000 GFA
    Bank 3.5 per 1,000 GFA
    Medical Office and Clinic 4.0 per 1,000 GFA
    Veterinary Clinic and Animal Hospital 2.5 per 1,000 GFA
    Business Training Schools 2.5 per 1,000 GFA
    Restaurant and Fast Food 0.5 per seat
    Hotel/Motel 1.0 per room
    Automotive Repair 3.0 per bay
    Automotive/Farm Equipment Sales, Rental and Leasing 2.0 per 1,000 GFA sales area
    Funeral Home 0.3 per seat in the main parlor
    Mini-warehouse 2.0 per 100 units
    Manufacturing, Wholesale and Storage 1 per employee peak shift
    Construction Service 1.5 per employee
    Call Centers 1.0 per employee or station
    Cultural Facilities 3.0 per 1,000 GFA
    Places of Public Assembly, General Recreation Assembly and Theatres 0.3 per seat
    Schools, K-8 1.0 per staff plus 3 for visitor parking
    Schools, Middle/High 0.2 per student
    Day Care Center 3.0 per 1,000 GFA
    Hospitals 1.5 per bed
    Congregate Care and Nursing Homes 0.3 per bed
    Marine 1.0 per 2 slips wet or dry
    Bowling Alley 4.0 per lane
    Golf Course or Driving Range 4.0 per hole or tee
    Miniature Golf 2.0 per hole plus 1.0 per employee
    Gun/Archery Range 1.0 per shooting station
    Racquet or Tennis Court 2.0 per court
    Skating Rink 5.0 per 1,000 GFA



    Shared parking: The use of shared parking may be allowed when the functional nature of the uses result in differing demands. The number of spaces shall be determined by the administrative official after the submission of a parking study. Said study shall be based upon available planning and engineering data from professionally accepted sources or field studies.


    The amount of off-street parking space required shall be determined by the administrative official. Requirements for unlisted or unclassified uses shall be based upon a use provided for with similar characteristics. However, a parking study may be provided by the applicant for such use. Said study shall be based upon available planning and engineering data from professionally accepted sources or field studies.


    Off-street parking space designed to serve nonresidential buildings and uses located in nonresidential zoning districts shall not be permitted to be located in residential zoning districts.


    Existing off-street parking space for any premises shall not be reduced below the minimum requirements of this ordinance.


    Off-street parking facilities and other vehicular facilities both required and provided shall:


    Be identified as to purpose and location when not clearly evident;


    Provide that access to parking, including access and aisles providing access to parking spaces, be constructed to county parking lot standards;


    Be drained to county drainage standards.


    All off-street parking and loading areas shall be well maintained; free of potholes, debris, weeds, broken curbs, and broken wheel stops; clearly striped; and with all lighting in working condition.


    Any parking areas to be used by the general public shall provide suitable, marked parking spaces for handicapped persons. The number, signage, design and location of these spaces shall be in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws.


    Driveways and access management:


    Access point spacing standards for commercial and multi-family residence located on a street. No driveway shall be constructed, improved, or modified without a permit issued by the county or state, whichever agency has jurisdiction.


    All driveways shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Hernando County Facility Design Guidelines or the requirements for the state when that agency has jurisdiction.


    Private roads, access easements, or driveways designed to provide primary vehicular access to nonresidential buildings shall not be permitted to be located in residential zoning districts.


    The number of driveways and the required spacing of driveways shall be in accordance with the facilities design guidelines. The county engineer may permit additional access points when such points are justified and necessary due to the length of street frontage serving the premises and provided that the additional access points will substantially reduce traffic hazards or congestion on adjacent streets serving the property.


    The installation of off-site access improvements may be required by the county where required to minimize traffic congestion and safety hazards.


    Provisions for joint access and circulation may be required where necessary to minimize traffic congestion and safety hazards.


    Left hand turning movements from driveways may be restricted where necessary to minimize traffic congestion and safety hazards.


    Cross access to adjoin parcels may be required to provide for the free flow of traffic between uses without having to enter a street.


    Off-street loading and unloading space:


    Shall be provided on the premises for every use requiring the receipt or distribution, by vehicles, of materials and merchandise. The space shall be provided so that no loading or unloading activity will be generated on any street or impede the flow of traffic through parking or access areas.


    Shall be provided with vehicular access to a street or alley and with appropriate maneuvering areas.


    Loading and unloading bays shall be at least forty (40) feet in depth, twelve (12) feet in width, with an overhead clearance of not less than fourteen (14) feet.


    Space for the servicing of buildings by refuse collection, fuel and other service vehicles shall also be provided as appropriate.


    General requirements:


    Pedestrian circulation facilities, roadways, driveways and off-street parking and loading areas shall be designed to be safe and convenient.


    Parking and loading areas, aisles, pedestrian walks, landscaping and open space shall be designed as integral parts of an overall development plan and shall be properly related to existing and proposed buildings.


    Buildings, parking and loading areas, landscaping and open spaces shall be designed so that pedestrians moving from parking areas to buildings and between buildings are not unreasonably exposed to vehicular traffic.


    Landscaped, paved and gradually inclined or flat pedestrian walks shall be provided along the lines of the most intense use, particularly from building entrances to streets, parking areas and adjacent buildings. Pedestrian walks should be designed to discourage incursions into landscaped areas except at designated crossings.


    Each off-street parking space shall open directly onto an aisle or driveway that, except for single-family and two-family residences, is not a public street.


    Aisles and driveways shall not be used for parking vehicles, except that the driveway of a single-family or two-family residence shall be counted as a parking space for the dwelling unit.


    The design shall be based on a definite and logical system of drive lanes to serve the parking and loading spaces. A physical separation or barrier, such as vertical curbs, may be required to separate parking spaces from travel lanes.


    Parking spaces for all uses, except single-family and two-family residences, shall be designed to permit entry and exit without moving any other motor vehicle.


    No parking space shall be located so as to block access by emergency vehicles.


    The required depth of a parking space may be reduced by two (2) feet where the parking space abuts or overhangs any interior or perimeter landscape area or walkway where said area is at least five (5) feet in width and where wheel stops or curbing is provided.

(Ord. No. 72-3, Art. II, § 4, 4-28-72; Ord. No. 89-1, § 1, 1-24-89; Ord. No. 90-23, § 1, 11-26-90; Ord. No. 96-08, § 5, 5-7-96; Ord. No. 2001-24, §§ 4, 5, 12-18-01; Ord. No. 2002-15, § 2, 8-6-02; Ord. No. 2004-11, § 5, 8-3-04; Ord. No. 2007-15, § 5, 8-21-07; Ord. No. 2008-05, § X, 2-26-08; Ord. No. 2009-18, § III, 12-8-09; Ord. No. 2014-25, § I, 12-9-14)