§ 2. General regulations for structures and uses.
Existing nonconforming structures, uses and lots:
Any building, mobile home or other structure which is lawfully existing on the effective date of this ordinance, or any amendment thereto, and which does not conform with all the provisions of the ordinance may remain in use, subject to the following regulations:
Buildings and structures shall not be replaced except in conformance with this ordinance.
Mobile homes may be replaced if the replacement unit meets the requirements of this ordinance relative to minimum living area and if the replacement will improve the general quality and appearance of the area. Replacement shall be made in a manner that will maximize the ability of the final installation to meet the requirements of this ordinance.
Buildings and structures may be altered or enlarged provided that such alteration or enlargement will not be detrimental to adjacent properties or the neighborhood in general and provided the alteration or enlargement complies with the general yard requirements of the surrounding neighborhood as established by the administrative official. Alterations or enlargements shall be made in such a manner that conformance to the requirements of this ordinance is maximized.
May be restored to a safe condition if declared unsafe or if damaged by fire or other similar natural disaster unless the Hernando County Building Official determines that such repairs cannot be made without constituting replacement.
Any use which is lawfully existing on the effective date of this ordinance, or any amendment thereto, and which does not conform with all the provisions of this ordinance may be continued subject to the following regulations:
Shall not be expanded without the approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Approval to expand or to extend a use shall not be granted if such expansion or extension will be detrimental to the overall character or appearance of the general area. Expanded or extended usage shall be confined within the boundaries of that parcel of land upon which such usage occupied on the effective date of this ordinance or amendment thereto.
Shall not be changed to or expanded to include another nonconforming use.
May be changed to a conforming use.
Whenever a nonconforming use has been discontinued for a period of one year, no nonconforming use may be reestablished on those premises.
Any lawfully existing nonconforming lot may be used as follows:
Individually owned lots with no adjoining lots under the same ownership may be used individually, provided zoning ordinance regulations regarding access and approved water supply and sewage disposal facilities can be met.
Multiple adjoining lots under the same ownership may be used individually, provided each lot can meet sixty-six (66) percent of the minimum lot width and minimum lot area regulations for the district in which the lots are located and zoning ordinance regulations regarding access, approved water supply and sewage disposal facilities can be met.
Multiple adjoining lots under the same ownership may not be used individually if each lot cannot meet sixty-six (66) percent of the minimum lot width and minimum lot area requirements for the district in which the lots are located. If they cannot be used individually, the lots must be combined in groups of whole lots so the lots can meet sixty-six (66) percent of the minimum lot width and minimum lot area regulations of the zoning district in which the lots are located and zoning ordinance regulations regarding access, approved water supply and sewage disposal facilities can be met.
Any lawfully existing nonconforming communication tower shall be subject to the following requirements:
A nonconforming communication tower or structure may be utilized for collocation.
A nonconforming communication tower may not be increased in height.
If a nonconforming communication tower ceases to be utilized and is determined by the Zoning Administrator to be abandoned, then the communication tower shall be subject to the requirements of Appendix A, Article II, Section 2F(9) of the Zoning Ordinance.
A communication tower which has received approval prior to June 23, 1998, shall have until December 31, 1998, to complete the construction of the tower.
Regulation of agricultural structures: Land which is used solely for farming, forestry, fisheries, animal specialty farms, horticultural specialty farms or hunting, trapping and game propagation shall have no regulation imposed as to zoning permits, certificates of use, or height, yard or location requirements for agricultural buildings, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance.
No agricultural building shall be located any closer than one hundred (100) feet to any existing or proposed street.
All agricultural structures in a designated floodway or floodway fringe area or which tend to increase flood heights or obstruct the flow of floodwaters shall be subject to all of the regulations contained in adopted ordinances pertaining to such designated floodplains.
Use and height exceptions:
Governmental uses and structures and public service structures are permitted within the Public Service Facility Overlay District which may be approved in all zoning districts after review and approval by the Commission and Governing Body. The procedures for review and approval of the Public Service Facility Overlay District shall be consistent with those for rezoning of any properties within the zoning district.
Height regulations apply to buildings and portions of buildings occupied regularly by human beings. They do not apply to structures or portions of buildings which are not occupied by human beings regularly except for maintenance, unless it is determined by the administrative official that the height of such a building may be a safety hazard.
Regulation of buildings:
Access: No building shall be erected on any lot unless such lot has access to a street. If the property is not on a county-maintained street or is a private street not built to county standards, the property owner must sign an affidavit agreeing the county has absolutely no obligation to maintain or improve such private street.
Principal building: Only one principal building and permitted accessory structures may be erected on a lawfully existing lot. However, in the event a lot is in excess of the minimum lot size requirement of its particular zoning district, additional dwelling units may be placed thereon, providing the lot is not in a recorded or unrecorded subdivision. All additional units shall meet all the dimension and area requirements. In no case shall more than three (3) principal buildings be placed on any lawfully existing lot. For commercial and multifamily uses, multiple buildings may be placed on the lots, provided development plat approval is obtained. The provisions of this section shall not apply to approved and recorded planned-development projects or approved and recorded special exception use final development plats. Temporary structures are permitted during construction only.
Accessory buildings: No accessory building shall be erected or modified for residential purposes unless specifically provided for in this ordinance.
Approved water-supply and sewage-disposal facilities: It shall be unlawful to construct any building or to occupy any mobile home without water supply and sewage-disposal facilities approved by the county. Wherever public water or sewer mains are accessible, buildings or mobile homes shall be connected to such mains. In every case, water supply and sewage disposal must meet the requirements set by the county and the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Division of Health. The Florida Division of Health's and appropriate local county officials' certificate approving proposed and completed private water and sewage facilities, as applicable, must accompany applications for zoning permits and certificates of use.
Accessory Dwelling Unit:
"Accessory dwelling unit" means an additional living space that is an attached addition to an owner-occupied single-family detached home meeting the standards herein. An accessory dwelling unit may contain their own sleeping, individual kitchen, bathing, toilet, and laundry facilities.
Requirements—An accessory dwelling unit shall meet the following standards:
No more than one accessory dwelling unit shall be permitted in conjunction with any one principal structure. The maximum number of dwelling units shall not exceed 2 per lot.
An accessory dwelling unit shall be subordinate to the primary structure, such that the maximum gross habitable floor area of the accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed 50% of the gross habitable floor area of the primary dwelling unit.
The proposed water supply and sewage disposal facilities must be adequate for the projected number of residents, as determined by the State of Florida Department of Health and/or Hernando County Utilities Department.
Accessory dwelling units shall meet principal structure setback requirements and maximum building areas for each district standard.
The accessory dwelling unit's architectural design shall be consistent with a single-family residence and shall not appear to be a multi-family structure.
The entrance to the accessory dwelling unit may be through the main access of the principal structure or shall be located on the side or rear of the principal structure.
The design of the accessory dwelling unit shall be similar in appearance to the primary residence.
Accessory dwelling units shall not be sold separately and are to be used as living quarters for non-paving guests of the principal structure owner-occupant. Accessory dwelling units are not to be used as lodging houses or boarding houses without a special exception.
Accessory dwelling units shall share a common wall, or a roofed passage or breezeway extending no further than 30 feet from the primary residence.
Regulation of Communication Towers: The purpose of the regulations for communication towers is to provide general guidelines for the location of these types of facilities, with the goal of encouraging the location of towers in appropriate areas, encouraging the joint use of and collocation of new and existing facilities, encourage the use of camouflage techniques where appropriate, and encourage the users of towers and antennas to locate and configure in a way that minimizes the visual impacts. The requirements shall not have the effect of prohibiting the provision of telecommunications service, shall not have the effect of discriminating among providers, and shall not regulate the placement of facilities based upon the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions if they comply with FCC rules on radio emissions. All communication towers shall comply with the requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and shall be subject to the following regulations, except where otherwise provided for in the Zoning Ordinance.
Color and camouflage techniques: Communication towers, except camouflaged towers, shall have a galvanized finish or shall be painted with a gray or blue-gray finish, unless required by the Federal Aviation Administration or the Federal Communications Commission to be painted in another color scheme. Camouflage techniques shall be utilized where feasible, and if determined infeasible, the applicant shall submit a written justification as to the reason.
Illumination: Communication towers shall not be lighted except to assure human safety or as required by the Federal Aviation Administration or the Federal Communications Commission.
Fencing: A chain link fence or wall not less than six (6) feet in height and no greater than eight (8) feet in height shall be installed by the owner/operator of the communication tower. The fence shall be erected around the base of the communication tower and all accessory structures. In addition, all accessory equipment and structures shall be screened to an 80% opacity by natural vegetation or new landscaping that achieves the required opacity within one year of planting, which shall also be maintained for the life of the communication tower by the owner/operator. Where irrigation is not available, accessory equipment may be screened by an opaque fence. All anchor points of the guy wires of a guyed tower shall be fenced.
Signage: Except for warning signs such as "No Trespassing", signs required by a regulating authority and signs that state ownership and emergency telephone numbers, no signage will be permitted on the communication tower. No communication tower site shall have more than five signs and at no time shall a single sign be greater than two square feet.
Structural Design: All communication towers, and utility and light structures that support antenna arrays, shall be constructed in accordance with all applicable Hernando County construction and building codes, all applicable land development regulations and Federal and State laws.
All new or replacement communication towers, greater than 100 feet in height, erected within the County shall be structurally designed to support a minimum of four (4) users. For towers less than 100 feet, a minimum of two (2) users must be provided for. For the purpose of this ordinance, the owner/operator of a new or replacement communication tower shall provide the County with a statement indicating its good faith intent to provide for additional users on the tower.
The single addition of no more than sixty (60) feet to the height of any existing or new electric utility structure that carries an electric line of 69 kv or greater shall be a permitted use in any Zoning District . For the purposes of this ordinance, any new or replacement electric utility structure, which supports an antenna array, shall not be more than sixty (60) feet higher than any existing power support structures in the immediate transmission line area unless otherwise permitted by the district in which it is located.
The single addition of no more than forty (40) feet to the height of any existing communication tower or other existing structure appropriate for antenna location shall be a permitted use in any non-residential zoning district or any Public Service Facility Overlay District, provided the maximum height of the communication tower has not been specified by a performance condition of a previous approval. Any such new or replacement structure shall not be more than forty (40) feet higher than the structure replaced. Where the antenna is attached to an existing structure other than a co-location on an existing communication or electric transmission tower, alternate materials, textures and camouflage techniques shall be utilized to conceal the facility.
Any existing communication tower, within any zoning district, may allow for collocation as a permitted use, and is subject to only administrative and building permit review provided all applicable requirements of the State and County are met.
Camouflaged antennas that are mounted directly on an existing structure appropriate for antenna location may be allowed as a permitted use, and are subject to only administrative and building permit review provided all applicable requirements of the State and County are met. The camouflaged antenna shall be consistent with the design and aesthetics of the structure upon which the antenna is mounted. This use shall not be allowed in single family residentially zoned districts, unless such property is used or designated for a nonresidential use.
Communication towers and antenna arrays that are collocated on existing structures and are camouflaged shall not be subject to the single communication tower and antenna array requirement.
Monopole towers 150 feet or less in height shall be a permitted use in all electrical substations.
All antenna arrays and their attachments that are utilized for collocation shall meet engineering standards and shall secure Hernando County building permits.
Setbacks: Communication towers and accessory structures shall meet the following setbacks:
The minimum setback of a lattice or guyed tower shall be the height of the tower. In no case shall a lattice or guyed communication tower be located within 250% of its height to any residentially zoned property, unless such property is used or designated for a nonresidential use.
Monopole towers shall meet the setback of the zoning district. In no case, shall a monopole tower 100 feet in height or greater be located within 125% of its height to any residentially zoned property, unless such property is used or designated for a nonresidential use. In no case shall a monopole tower less than 100 feet in height be located within 100% of their height to any residentially zoned property unless such property is used or designated for a nonresidential use.
Utility and light structures and other similar freestanding structures, which have been utilized for collocation via the addition of no more than 60 feet in height shall meet the locational standards for utility and light structures.
Setbacks for communication towers shall be measured from the base of the tower.
Anchors for guy wires shall meet the required setbacks of the zoning district.
Accessory structures shall meet the required principal structure setbacks of the zoning district.
Replacement of communication towers: All communication towers, whether conforming or nonconforming, shall be subject to the following replacement requirements, if applicable:
A communication tower may be replaced with the same type of tower construction, a monopole tower or a camouflaged tower.
A communication tower may be replaced with a tower of equal or lesser height.
A replacement communication tower must be located within thirty feet of the communication tower it will be replacing.
A replacement communication tower must meet all the requirements of this ordinance for color, illumination, fencing, signage, structural design, and collocation. The replacement communication tower shall maximize conformance with setbacks required in this ordinance.
If a conflict arises between the replacement of communication towers and permitted uses allowed under this ordinance, then the permitted use standards shall take precedence.
Residential Areas: It is the desire of the governing body that communication towers are not located within residential areas or residential zoning districts wherever feasible; and instead encourage that communication towers are located within commercial, industrial and non-residential zoning districts provided that all other requirements of this zoning code can be met. In the event that it is not reasonably possible to provide wireless service to a particular residential area or residential zoning district without locating a communication tower in said area or district, then it shall be the applicant's burden to affirmatively demonstrate that said residential area or district cannot be adequately served from outside said area or district and that alternate locations (including all non-residential locations capable of servicing the targeted wireless service area) are not available. "Residential area" for purposes of this subsection means any location which is predominated by residential dwelling units ( e.g. single family homes, manufactured or mobile homes, town homes, condominiums and/or apartments) and which shares the characteristics of a common neighborhood. "Residential district," for purposes of this subsection, shall have the same meaning as provided under Article IV of this zoning code. "Not available" for purposes of this subsection means that a given property is either fully developed, not available for sale or lease at fair market value, outside of the range necessary to serve the targeted wireless area, or precluded from having a communication tower located thereon based on some other provision of this zoning code. "Adequately demonstrate" for purposes of this subsection means that the applicant has provided such data and analysis which identifies the area or district sought to be served by wireless service, which identifies the non-residential properties within that area or district (if any), and which describes all efforts and due diligence undertaken by the applicant to secure a location within a non-residential area or district.
In the event that the use of any communication tower has been found to be discontinued, as determined by the Zoning Administrator, for a period of 120 consecutive days, the communication tower shall be deemed to have been abandoned.
Once a communication tower has been found to be abandoned, the owner/operator will have a period of 60 days from the date that the Zoning Administrator mails the notification via certified mail, to either:
Reactivate the use of the communication tower or transfer the tower to another owner/operator who must make use of the tower within the 60 days; or
Dismantle and remove the tower.
Performance bonding: Prior to receiving a building permit for construction of a telecommunications tower, security shall be provided to guarantee removal of the tower should it become abandoned. Security can be provided in one of the following forms:
Performance bond;
Cash deposit;
Insurance policy.
The amount of security will be based on a cost estimate for the removal of the tower. The petitioner shall provide a cost estimate sealed by a Florida professional engineer and confirmed by the County Engineer. The security must be kept in force as long as the tower is in place.
Legal Description: At the time of permit review, the petitioner shall provide the Development Department with a legal description and survey showing the area on which the proposed tower will be built.
Definitions pertaining to Communication Towers:
Camouflage Techniques - Sometimes referred to as a concealed or stealth facility. A tower or antenna designed to unobtrusively blend into the existing surroundings, be disguised so as to not have the appearance of a communications facility, or be designed or located in a manner that the tower or antenna is not easily discernable from the ground. These types of facilities may be attached or freestanding. Attached facilities may be camouflaged through the use of faux windows, dormers or other architectural elements to blend in with the building or structure. Examples of freestanding facilities include the form and shape of a tree, bell tower, steeple, clock tower, flagpole or other technique which serves to diminish the visual impact of a tower or antenna.
Collocation - Means the situation when a subsequent provider uses an existing tower or structure to locate a subsequent antenna and includes all equipment associated with the operation of the antenna.
Existing Structure - Means a structure that exists at the time of application, and includes any structure that can structurally support the attachment of one or more antennas in compliance with all applicable codes and may include, but is not limited to, signs, light poles, water towers, buildings, transmission towers, steeples or other freestanding structure.
[ Determination of completeness; processing timeframes: ] Applicants for communication towers shall be notified within 20 business days whether the application is complete. If the application is incomplete the County shall notify the applicant of the missing items or deficiencies. After the missing information is resubmitted, the County shall have an additional 20 days to make a determination of completeness. Once a determination has been made regarding completeness, applications for permitted uses shall be processed within 45 business days, and applications for facilities that require public hearings shall be processed within 90 business days. The applicant and the County may mutually agree to extend these timeframes.
Action by Governing Body: Upon a determination that an application for a communication tower is complete, the governing body shall conduct a public hearing within the time frame set forth herein and otherwise meeting requirements of state law. At the public hearing on the application, should the governing body vote to deny an application to place, construct or modify a communications tower, the governing body's decision shall be reflected in a resolution giving the reason or reasons for the denial which shall be supported by substantial evidence. However, where a communications tower is sought to be located in a residential area or district, the applicant's failure to meet its burden under subsection 9 above shall constitute substantial evidence for purposes of a denial vote; for all non-residential areas or districts, the county shall have the burden to support its position by substantial evidence.
Regulations for temporary uses and structures.
Temporary uses and structures as provided for in this code may be allowed subject to meeting the following development review standards:
A site plan depicting the proposed use in relation to the overall parcel on which it is to be located must be provided.
Driveway access permits shall be obtained.
Adequate parking shall be provided in conformity with the required standards for the use without reducing the required parking for the established permitted activity.
A covered trash or garbage receptacle with a plastic liner will be kept on site.
Adequate restroom facilities shall be provided.
No electric service will be permitted for temporary uses and structures which do not include placement of a building or mobile home approved through the permitting process.
Seasonal sales of plants and plant material shall be allowed as a temporary use at established churches, schools and fraternal organizations for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days. Such sales must utilize the existing parking area for parking and traffic circulation associated with the use.
A Recreational Vehicle for security purposes is allowable as accessory to a temporary use which is allowable for less than thirty (30) days in duration.
Roadside sales are prohibited unless otherwise authorized by the county's land development regulations.
Minimum design standards for multifamily development.
For the PDP (MF) and R-3 zoning categories:
Building facade: A minimum of fifteen (15) percent of the front facade shall contain windows or doors. All windows and doors shall provide four-inch trim or be recessed (ie: into the front facade) to provide shadowing.
Exterior building elevations shall incorporate design features such as offsets, balconies, projections, window reveals, or similar elements to preclude large expanses of uninterrupted building surfaces. These features shall occur at a minimum of every thirty (30) feet.
Building materials: Wall surface areas must be brick, stone, stucco, decorative cementacious finish, stucco appearance, or colored or painted architectural block. Up to fifty (50) percent of wall surface area may be finished with siding if two (2) out of three (3) of the closest buildings utilize siding.
Roofs shall have a minimum four (4) on twelve (12) pitch.
All rooftop equipment shall be hidden behind parapets or other structures designed into the building.
Minimum open space required for multifamily developments containing twelve (12) or more units: A minimum of fifteen (15) percent of the gross site must be maintained in open space. A minimum of fifty (50) percent of the required open space shall be in areas at least five hundred (500) square feet in size with no horizontal dimension less than fifteen (15) feet.
Internal accessway design: Any accessways serving projects with multiple buildings shall be designed to accommodate turnaround traffic without the need for vehicles to back-up. The minimum width of an accessway shall be eighteen (18) feet.
Adequate transition radius from the accessway to the parking lot area must be provided. All intersecting drives must have a minimum fifteen-foot radius. The minimum design speed shall be fifteen (15) mph.
Minimum dimensions for drive aisles and parking spaces must be in accordance with commercial parking standards.
For developments containing more than twelve (12) units, when parking spaces are placed within entry aisles to a garage, an additional thirty (30) percent of the required parking must be provided in common areas throughout the project.
No trash receptacles shall be located within the front twenty-five-foot setback or side ten-foot setback. Trash receptacles must be on a concrete or asphalt pad. Trash receptacles shall be screened from view by placement of a solid wood fence, masonry wall, or similar sight-obscuring, gated enclosure. Such screening is exempt from the provision of the fence ordinance for the minimum area necessary to adequately screen the trash receptacles.
Pedestrian circulation for projects with multiple buildings: continuous internal sidewalks, a minimum of four (4) feet in width, shall be provided between buildings throughout the project. The internal sidewalk system shall connect all abutting streets to primary building entrances.
For all development containing more than fifty (50) units, there shall either be twenty-four-hour on-site management or twenty-four-hour management by a professional company or the owner.
Minimum building setbacks, excluding garages, from edge of pavement of internal vehicular accessways: Twenty-five (25) feet.
Minimum separation between buildings: Fifteen (15) feet.
For the PDP (MF2) and R-4 zoning categories:
Minimum open space required for multifamily developments containing twelve (12) or more units: A minimum of fifteen (15) percent of the gross site must be maintained in open space. A minimum of fifty (50) percent of the required open space shall be in areas at least five hundred (500) square feet in size with no horizontal dimension less than fifteen (15) feet.
Internal accessway design: Any accessways serving projects with multiple buildings shall be designed to accommodate turnaround traffic without the need for vehicles to back-up. The minimum width of an accessway shall be eighteen (18) feet.
Adequate transition radius from the accessway to the parking lot area must be provided. All intersecting drives must have a minimum fifteen-foot radius. The minimum design speed shall be fifteen (15) mph.
Minimum dimensions for drive aisles and parking spaces must be in accordance with commercial parking standards.
For developments containing more than twelve (12) units, when parking spaces are placed within entry aisles to a garage, an additional thirty (30) percent of the required parking must be provided in common areas throughout the project.
No trash receptacles shall be located within the front twenty-five-foot setback or side ten-foot setback. Trash receptacles must be on a concrete or asphalt pad. Trash receptacles shall be screened from view by placement of a solid wood fence, masonry wall, or similar sight-obscuring, gated enclosure. Such screening is exempt from the provision of the fence ordinance for the minimum area necessary to adequately screen the trash receptacles.
Pedestrian circulation for projects with multiple buildings: continuous internal sidewalks, a minimum of four (4) feet in width, shall be provided between buildings throughout the project. The internal sidewalk system shall connect all abutting streets to primary building entrances.
For all development containing more than fifty (50) units, there shall either be twenty-four-hour on-site management or twenty-four-hour management by a professional company or the owner.
Minimum building setbacks, excluding garages, from edge of pavement of internal vehicular accessways: Twenty-five (25) feet.
Minimum separation between buildings: Fifteen (15) feet.
Minimum design standards for development of Single-family dwellings, Two-family dwellings, or homes of six or fewer residents which meet the definition of a Community residential home as defined by State law and which otherwise satisfies the requirements of this zoning code.
For the R-1B, R-1C, R-2.5, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-R, A/R, and PDP (SF) Districts:
Building Facade: Exterior building facade shall incorporate one offset measuring 4 feet perpendicular to the facade by 8 feet in length and a minimum of one architectural design feature including one of the following: balconies, covered porches, projections, cornice elements, windows, or door reveals. Architectural design features shall occur a minimum of every 30 feet to provide modulation, visual interest, and textured relief to preclude large expanses of uninterrupted building facades.
Exterior Covering: Wall surface areas must be brick, stone, stucco, cement finish, or non-aluminum siding.
Roof: The minimum pitch shall be 3 on 12. The use of traditional roof forms such as gables, hips and dormers are encouraged.
Foundation: The foundation shall consist of a monolithic slab, stem wall with continuous footing, or a permanent foundation designed to meet the flood damage and prevention ordinance requirements.
Garage(s): For all districts other than A/R, at least one garage per dwelling unit, with a minimum measurement of 10 feet in width by 20 feet in length, must be architecturally integrated. Said garage(s) must be structurally connected to residence or connected by a covered breezeway or roof. Side loaded garages must include one window, faux window, or door reveal to reduce the blank wall impact.
(Ord. of 12-4-72, § II(b)(5); Ord. No. 76-2, § 7, 2-17-76; Ord. No. 82-1, § 2, 1-19-82; Ord. No. 82-13, §§ 1, 2, 11-1-82; Ord. No. 84-5, § 2, 3-27-84; Ord. No. 85-12, §§ 1, 2, 6-4-85; Ord. No. 90-22, § 1, 11-26-90; Ord. No. 91-23, § 3, 7-2-91; Ord. No. 93-30, § 4, 12-21-93; Ord. No. 96-08, § 3, 5-7-96; Ord. No. 97-08, §§ 3, 4, 5-20-97; Ord. No. 98-18, § 3, 6-23-98; Ord. No. 99-02, § 2, 2-2-99; Ord. No. 2000-04, §§ 1—7, 4-4-00; Ord. No. 2000-05, § 1, 4-4-00; Ord. No. 2000-07, § 2, 5-9-00; Ord. No. 2001-06, § 2, 5-8-01; Ord. No. 2001-24, § 3, 12-18-01; Ord. No. 2002-12, § 2, 7-23-02; Ord. No. 2002-15, § 3, 8-6-02; Ord. No. 2003-02, § 2, 2-11-03; Ord. No. 2003-15, §§ 1—5, 8-5-03; Ord. No. 2005-22, § 3, 12-6-05; Ord. No. 2007-11, § 1, 7-24-07; Ord. No. 2008-05, § IX, 2-26-08; Ord. No. 2008-03, § 26, 2-5-08; Ord. No. 2010-21, § I, 10-26-10; Ord. No. 2012-3, § I, 3-13-12; Ord. No. 2013-22, § I, 7-23-13; Ord. No. 2014-1, § I, 1-28-14)